Sometimes when things don’t seem to change much from one day to another, it can be hard to stay optimistic. When we don’t see immediate results, we might start to wonder if anything we do is making a difference or if it’s just wasted effort.

When that happens, we need to remember that the most majestic accomplishments often come from tiny, incremental changes.

Word-art captioned "Strength" that says "A river cuts through a rock not because of its power but its persistence."

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to “give this planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.” Visit her site to find more Nurturing Thursday posts and a list of frequent contributors.


  1. Have always loved this quote and a important one to remember!! Thanks for sharing!

    I liked what you wrote on my Dewey post as well 🙂 Ha Ha! Maybe they could dance a jig on the cake! OH DEAR! But I may have been rubbing it in just a tad too much about his age in my emails and saying how I was going to send him some mice in the mail 🙂 His dear daughter and him just composed a poem that he just posted! His Wit doesn’t end and his daughter is just like him! I gotta think, think, think, on how to respond. Of course i did have to laugh at it.
    Enjoy the laugh and have a good night!

  2. This is very true, Meg. I like the quote very much. Perfect nurturing …
    Namaste ?

  3. Meg, such a great quote and reminder!

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