Now that September is underway, the rowing club has been putting in the entries for the fall regattas. My husband and I are not the fastest in the mixed double races; it’s only our fourth season since we learned to row, and there are others in our club with much more experience who always come in ahead of us. But we improve each year, and that’s good in itself!

Word-art that says, "The expert in anything was once a beginner."

If we had never started rowing because we were afraid of looking like awkward beginners, then we’d have missed out on a lot of fun!

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to “give this planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.” Visit her site to find more Nurturing Thursday posts and a list of frequent contributors.


  1. I think that is great that you guys participate in the contest! Sounds fun! Love the quote!

  2. The rowers do look so in sync with each other as they glide through the water. I enjoy watching when teams visit Baylor to practice. The majority of us are awkward at the beginning of everything. Nice reminder to be kind and have fun!

  3. Rowing is a wonderful sport and it’s great you can enjoy it together! Every year, you will become more ‘expert’ 🙂

  4. Hi Meg, the important is doing something and have fun, winning or losing doesn’t matter much. I love all the water sports, I’ve never rowing, but i can imagine all the fun. And it’s great you are doing together with your husband. My hubby doesn’t like to do any kind of sports, so if I’m always by myself when trying something new. Have a great weekend!

    • I agree, what matters is to get out and do something! Maybe one of these days, you’ll find something that your hubby likes. There’s so much to try!

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