Do you ever have a week when you feel a need to be reminded of what matters? This is what I felt like I needed for this Nurturing Thursday:

"Love is patient..." word art

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to “give this planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.” Visit her site to find more Nurturing Thursday posts and a list of frequent contributors.


  1. I’m frequently in need to be reminded of it. I lose so much energy with stuff that doesn’t matter. I try to set my priorities while journaling, but as the day goes by, I let them go and fill up my mind and time with rubbish. Thanks for this message, Meg!

    • I’m glad it helped to clear out some of the rubbish! 🙂 And, I often wonder where my energy went, too. It’s all too easy to lose track of it, as you say.

  2. Yes, indeed! Wonderful reminder; thank you!! 🙏🏼❣️

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