This time of year it’s always fun to browse through garden catalogs, even though spring planting is still far away. The weather around here is cold enough that I expect the groundhog will settle in for a long winter’s nap. It’s never too early to imagine a thriving, beautiful garden, though—not only the flowers in the yard, but also the peaceful garden of the mind that sprouts from planting happy dreams.

Word-art that says "Plant dreams, pull weeds, grow a happy life!"

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to “give this planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.” Visit her site to find more Nurturing Thursday posts and a list of frequent contributors.


  1. Wonderful statement. Follow those instructions and we’ll not only have a lovely garden, we’ll have a lovely life! ?

  2. Great post, Meg!
    I am fortunate that previous tenants planted evergreen bushes and trees, so from my spot on the sofa, I see green all year round through the patio window… A real spirit-lifter, to be sure!
    And thanks for your comment on my NT post – indeed, we’re always discovering who we are, and who we may be…

    • I agree that it’s very cheering to see green all year round. Often I put nature scenes on my digital art display, which is carefully positioned on the dining room wall so that it can be seen from the sofa.

  3. So true and very beautiful, Meg!

  4. I love perusing through garden catalogues — I always mean to order “in time” for have not made it yet. I love the quote you used — a good reminder to tend to “our” gardens year round. No need for catalogues for that step. 🙂
    Thank you for sharing!

  5. Indira Mukhopadhyay

    What a beautiful thought, Meg.

  6. HAHA I browse through garden catalogs but never buy anything. I’m sure they would rather I did.
    I like to see the planets and figure our by the colors which one would do well for me since they all die except for orchids. Last year, I purchased philodendrums and roses which I had grown in NY. the went to that happy place in the sky. But, I love your saying, ” the peaceful garden of the mind that sprouts from planting happy dreams.”
    Well said … wonderful nurturing post, Meg. Happy Sunday
    Issy ?

  7. Wonderful thought Meg. I love catalogues for beautiful pictures.

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