My work schedule got unexpectedly rearranged this week, just after coming back from my end-of-year vacation, because I got “volunteered” to help with another group’s project. Of course, that’s not at all unusual in the corporate world; and though it can be uncomfortable to be pushed out of one’s usual routine, sometimes that can be a useful nudge to avoid getting stuck in a rut. It’s all too easy to end up always doing the same work, without thinking of much beyond getting a paycheck and buying more stuff.

Word-art image with tropical background that says "It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness." -Charles Spurgeon 

Although I’m enjoying the new things my family got for Christmas, there is certainly much more to a happy life besides how we spend our money. It’s always good to be reminded of that, even if the catalyst for reflection might sometimes be a bit of workplace distraction!

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to “give this planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.” Visit her site to find more Nurturing Thursday posts and a list of frequent contributors.

January 3, 2016 · 2 comments · Categories: Musings · Tags:

Because our daughter played soccer in college, my husband and I bought hoodie sweatshirts with the school logo to wear at the soccer matches. We had great fun going on road trips and cheering on the team! She graduated in 2014, however, and all those sweatshirts are still hanging in the bedroom closet.

Hoodie sweatshirts on hangers in my closet. 

We wouldn’t want to get rid of them because they have such good memories, and it’s possible we might wear them to alumni soccer games. Still, they don’t need to occupy a preferred location in the closet, which I suspect has been giving me subconscious feelings of not having anywhere to put new clothes. Better to fold up those sweatshirts, put them neatly on a shelf where they don’t take up much space, and leave myself a nice welcoming open spot for new fashions!

About Clutter Comedy: Every Sunday (which I envision as a day of rest after a productive week of de-cluttering) I post a Clutter Comedy article describing my most memorable clutter discovery of the week. Other bloggers who wish to join in are welcome—just post a link in the comments! There’s no need to publish any “before” photos of your clutter, if they are too embarrassing. The idea is simply to get motivated to clean it up, while having a bit of fun too!

Many of us choose words of intention and make resolutions as a new year begins. This is only my third year for both, I must confess. Before that, I hadn’t thought much about the process of creating an intentional life through small everyday choices. Although I had plenty of persistence and generally managed to follow through on whatever I decided to do, I lacked the patience needed to go along with it. All too often, I stressed myself out trying to cram every ambitious idea, plan, project, and expectation into the present.

Whether it is magic as some would say, or just the ordinary workings of the subconscious mind, whatever thoughts get the most attention are the ones most likely to find their way into real life. This doesn’t mean, however, that it is necessary or even possible to discipline every thought and clearly visualize every detail of a long-term goal in order to get there. Everything that we encounter changes us, even though it may be in tiny, almost imperceptible ways; and thus our intentions are always in motion as we move into the future, the details shifting and coalescing to form new patterns like the bright sparkling colors of a kaleidoscope.

Floral kaleidoscope image, mainly in blue shades.

(Creative Commons image via flickr)

I have decided that my focus throughout this new year will be on mindfully appreciating the little details in the present that mesh with the intentional life I am creating. Rather than trying to force everything into a precisely constructed life plan, which strikes me as an unrealistic expectation (and one that wouldn’t be much fun even if it reasonably could be accomplished), I move forward trusting that the patterns will fall into place in due course.

My word of intention for 2016 is Coalesce. I’ve resolved to keep notes each day on whatever I happen to encounter that is a product of my past intentions, along with any questions that may come to mind and any images that seem relevant. Keeping a journal of this nature will give me a better sense of what patterns are in motion right now, as well as identifying where changes are needed and settling doubts about how they’re going to work out. I don’t need to foresee everything that will happen in the future—after all, my life would get pretty boring if I did!