The little garden fountain on my front porch, which I mentioned in a May post, has had a lot of algae this summer. I didn’t want to risk harming animals that might drink out of the fountain by putting chemicals in the water; so I’ve just been dumping out the water and the pebbles from time to time, and then putting in clean water and more pebbles.

Ceramic garden fountain with pebbles at the top, covered with algae. 

I need to quit being lazy about it, though, and give the fountain a good thorough scrubbing to get all that algae out! The water hasn’t been flowing as freely as it should, and every time I look at it, I’m getting subconscious impressions of blockage and gunk instead of the healthy flow of energy that I had in mind when I bought it. Even the best of intentions for self-nurturing aren’t necessarily going to work out without some work being put in!

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to “give this planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.” Visit her site to find more Nurturing Thursday posts and a list of frequent contributors.


  1. Hi Meg, yes I remember when you got this lovely fountain, you are right, nurturing isn’t a once time task, we need to take care always, if not became rust and not pleasant things (thoughts) start to grow and take the beauty away. Have a great Sunday!

  2. Ohh yes, the gift of nurturing ourselves involves a conscious decision, and homework to go with the choices! Thank you for the reminder, and sharing with Nurturing Thursday!

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