Changeable weather in late spring means we often go from chilly nights, when we have the heat on, to hot afternoons when we run the air conditioner. So when we get a day with pleasant temperatures, it feels especially good to open the windows, let in the fresh air, look up at the little puffy clouds high in the sky, and hear the birds singing!

Open window with view of treetops and small white clouds. 

Sometimes everyday life feels like that, too. Maybe we’re under pressure to get things done and feel that “the heat is on,” or when there’s not much going on, it feels as dull as spending a hot afternoon indoors with all the windows shut and the air conditioner running. Opening the mind’s windows regularly to let in some fresh thoughts does us a lot of good, whether we have been feeling stifled by busy days or just by too many mindless activities.

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to “give this planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.” Visit her site to find more Nurturing Thursday posts and a list of frequent contributors.


  1. Wise words indeed 🙂
    My daily collages are certainly opening my ‘mind’s windows… to let in some fresh thoughts’ x

  2. After what seems like months of huddling indoors, I’ve been able to open the windows during over the last couple of days Meg ~ so I really appreciate your analogy of opening the windows in the mind and allowing fresh thoughts to blow in! Great nurturing post! 🙂

  3. A great analogy for us to ponder!! Thank you for sharing with Nurturing Thursday! 🙂

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