The word of intention I chose for this year is Presence, and I’ve been reminding myself to pause and mindfully appreciate the moment. What I had in mind, for the most part, was to reduce stress by diverting my attention away from pointless worries; but, of course, there are other benefits as well.
When we become more aware of what is going on around us in the here and now, we notice incremental changes that we otherwise might have overlooked. That in turn gives us more appreciation not only of the present moment, but also of what we can discover and enjoy as time passes.
Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to “give this planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.” Visit her site to find more Nurturing Thursday posts and a list of frequent contributors.
Time passes too quickly — so it is important to take those moments to enjoy — glad you are reminding yourself and us!!!
Yes, there is much to enjoy, but first we have to notice it!
And at the end of the day we collect many happy moments. Wonderful post Meg.
Thanks Rupali, much appreciated!
I really like your intention word, Meg. This is the right way to go, but ah so many distractions that take us back to yesterday gone forever and tomorrow, that we do not yet have. A constant struggle, at least for me, to stay right here in this moment.
Yes, there is always a distraction of one sort or another, no matter what we do. But, there is always another moment too