I woke up to a dark and rainy morning. Rather than complain about it, I browsed through the online gallery for the digital art display on my dining room wall and picked a suitably dark and dramatic wilderness image, with steep rocky cliffs and fog. It made me feel like a Tolkien character about to set out on a quest. There is no photo of it for this post because the colors didn’t look right when I tried to take one; so instead, I’m posting a simple piece of word-art as a reminder that even on an ordinary wet spring day, there’s always something fun to be found, and it’s good to have fun!
Just because we are grown up, that doesn’t mean our imaginary quests are childish or silly. We need them for the same reasons as when we were little kids reading storybooks—to nurture our imagination and expand our perspective on the world. Our ancestors understood this when, in ancient times, they regularly held elaborate ceremonies and made drama and ritual a central part of their lives. Nowadays, although we have many more options for exercising our imagination, we often lack the rituals that reminded our ancestors of its importance, so we need to give ourselves little reminders every now and again.
Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to “give this planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.” Visit her site to find more Nurturing Thursday posts and a list of frequent contributors.