Because I’ve already posted autumn and winter photos of my willow hedge for Nurturing Thursday entries, I decided that a spring photo would be in order for today’s post. It’s dark and rainy here today, with occasional thunderstorms rolling through—but now that I have resolved not to call such days “dreary,” I find that I’m appreciating their damp softness as they gently nurture the earth, and remembering how I loved playing in the rain when I was a child.

Willows on a rainy early-spring day, losing their catkins as leaf buds unfold. 

The catkins, heavy with rain, are falling to the wet grass and making space for the leaf buds to unfold. What came to mind as I took this photo was that although we usually think of autumn (fall) as the season when old things fall away before it’s time for new growth, letting go of old things is really an ongoing, year-round process—both in the natural world and in ourselves!

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to “give this planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.” Visit her site to find more Nurturing Thursday posts and a list of frequent contributors.


  1. Like the picture and your view of rainy days! Will have to try that view more myself 🙂

    • I still have to work on finding things to appreciate about winter, though — I much prefer the warm weather, and am very glad it has arrived!

  2. I love your willow hedge, Meg, in all three seasons that you’ve shown us. Observing the course of nature thoughout the year teaches us to let go of preferences and appreciate that the whole cycle is necessary for healthy, abundant growth. I still enjoy warmth and sunshine most of all, though! 😉

  3. That is so true! It is an ongoing process in nature and should be for us as well. Although not always so easy.

  4. Hi Meg, we are always learning with Nature, letting go is a master piece lesson. Have a lovely weekend!

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