I’d like to thank Janine at The Positive Project for nominating my site for the Liebster Award, which is about recognizing new blogs. Although I didn’t post a response quickly, it wasn’t due to lack of appreciation; I’ve been busy and distracted because of my daughter’s college graduation. 🙂

These are the award’s rules as posted at The Positive Project:
- Thank the blogger who gives it to you.
- Answer the eleven questions he/she asks.
- Nominate eleven bloggers with less than 500 followers.
- Ask these eleven bloggers eleven questions.
- Let these eleven bloggers know that they have been nominated.
At present I have no followers because my blog is not hosted on WordPress.com but is on a virtual private server. My husband kindly set it up for me using a WordPress theme, but he couldn’t find a good plugin to add a follow button. He likes to tinker with code, though, and says that he’ll write something to give the blog that capability. So, it’s on my IT department’s to-do list. 🙂
(Edited August 2014; this has now been done.)
Here are my answers to Janine’s questions:
(1) What did you dream about being when you were a kid?
I wanted to have adventures like the characters in my favorite books and cartoons. Being something practical, career-wise, almost never crossed my mind when I was a kid.
(2) East Coast or West Coast?
West, although I’ve been firmly planted in the Midwest for many years.
(3) Favorite all-time dessert?
Raspberry trifle. Or anything with raspberries in it.
(4) If you could meet one author (dead or alive) who would it be?
I’d like to have coffee with Elizabeth Gilbert. She seems like the sort of person who would chatter nonstop, but her conversation would be so interesting that it would be okay.
(5) Right-handed or left-handed?
(6) Favorite dance move?
This question brought back a fun memory of a square-dancing class as a child. Do-si-do gave me much amusement.
(7) What is one of your underappreciated superpowers?
Persistence. 🙂
(8) Vegetable garden or flower garden?
Flower, mostly; although one of my favorite garden flowers is alyssum, which is a cruciferous vegetable. Alyssum blossoms are tasty on salads and in chicken soup. There are many kinds of edible flowers, but I haven’t ventured to try eating any others yet.
(9) What is one of your favorite memories?
Being presented with my engagement ring in December 1985. It was literally wrapped up as a present, in a box with Christmas gift wrap. I didn’t suspect a thing – opened the box fully expecting to find a bracelet or other small holiday gift. Great surprise!
(10) Who inspired you the most growing up?
My mom, who always told me that I could do whatever I wanted to do, thus teaching me the valuable lesson that it’s often more useful to be confident than realistic.
(11) Have you mastered any tongue twisters?
When my kids were little, we all had a good time trying to master the tongue twisters in Dr. Seuss’ “Oh Say Can You Say?”
I am nominating the blogs listed below. If I mistakenly picked anyone who has more than 500 followers, doesn’t like awards, or has already done this one, please feel free to accept the recognition without the award!
Lady K’s Lounge
The Fearless Scribe
A Project for Kindness
Morning Angel
From Acorn to Oak
Love Well Live Well
The Little Things
Following My Joy
A Little Positivity
Lucky Attitude
Still a Dreamer
Here are my questions for the nominees:
- If you had a time machine, when would you visit?
- Do you have stuffed animals, real live pets, both, or neither?
- How do you most enjoy spending a rainy weekend?
- What’s the most interesting wildlife you have seen near your home?
- Do you prefer jeans or sweatpants?
- Ever seen a ghost or had any other paranormal experience?
- What’s your favorite outdoor activity?
- Do you mostly read e-books or paper books?
- Most memorable thing you ever did with your hair?
- What comfort food do you find most comforting?
- Do you have anything in your house that is completely useless, but you kept it anyway for sentimental reasons?
Have fun, everyone!