The world, and the Internet in particular, could benefit from focusing more on positivity. Many bloggers put a lot of time and energy into composing thoughtful, well-crafted, uplifting articles; but they often get few or no comments. It’s not that their visitors don’t enjoy reading the articles. Rather, modern life is so hectic that it can be hard to find time for commenting on blogs. We may feel inspired by a positive article and believe that the author did an excellent job putting it together, but we’re likely to rush off without taking the time to say so.

Who gets a lot of comments? Too often, it’s political bloggers who write sarcastic entries attacking people on the other side. Snarky attacks are easy to write, and they get plenty of cheap laughs. Plus, they get the readers angry and provoke flame wars in the comment threads, adding to the entertainment value—just like a radio talk show built on political tirades and abusing the callers. It’s ugly, but it gets attention.

The Random Kindness Blog Tour is designed to shine the spotlight on blogs whose authors contribute to happiness in the world by maintaining a consistent positive focus. Such authors may write about random acts of kindness, for example, or offer self-help advice for cultivating a more positive outlook. Participation in the Tour consists of the following:

1. For an entire year, visit a different blog every day that has a positive focus;
2. Post a kind comment on each one, telling the author why you enjoyed it; and
3. Create a Random Kindness Blog Tour page on your own blog that lists each positive site you visit, with a brief description and link. This will help others to find positive blogs.

In addition, if you so choose, please feel free to post a comment on this page linking to your blog. I’d love to know if you are participating! And although I plan to begin January 1st in the context of a New Year’s resolution (see this related post for more about that), the Tour doesn’t have to be limited to a calendar year. If you happen to read this page in April, for instance, you could choose to visit and comment on blogs every day from May 1 through April 30.

Happy positive reading!

— Meg Evans, December 21, 2013
The list below will be continuously updated every day in 2014 as I visit new blogs. Although I don’t yet know what they will be, discovering them is part of the fun! I hope you’ll enjoy them too.

Addendum, June 22, 2014: So far, it has been quite an adventure, finding inspiring blogs and making new friends! If I have commented on yours without adding it to the list, that was not meant as a slight, so please do not be offended—there are so many excellent blogs out there, I couldn’t possibly list them all.

Closing post, published on December 31, 2014: A Year of Discovery

Ten years later, March 16, 2025: By now, as one might expect, many of the listed sites are no longer active. I’ve gone through the list and removed dead links.

Positive Blogs for January

  1. Brad Aronson’s Blog. This site’s tagline is “Inspirational stories, good news & a focus on the positive.” The author is an entrepreneur and nonprofit leader who often posts stories about people who use their business skills to make the world better. He is also a dad and gives thoughtful advice on how to raise positive kids.
  2. Powered by Positive. The author, who spent many years as a caregiver for her parents and husband while also managing her own chronic illnesses, now seeks to help others by providing “the comfort, guidance, inspiration and strength you need to navigate your journey through life.”  She currently has a featured post on her home page that beautifully illustrates the power of incremental changes.
  3. The Positivity Project.  I enjoyed visiting this fun site, subtitled “The Persistently Positive Adventures of a Workaholic, and Her Attempts to ‘Chill Out a Little.'” In addition to a blog, there are several regularly updated pages with detailed and entertaining descriptions of how the author challenges herself by doing exercises in self-help books, trying new workout routines, and putting together long lists of personal goals and checking them off as she accomplishes them.
  4. Kindness Blog.  This site is a labor of love; it’s less than a year old, but has so much content that it gives the impression of having been around much longer. The authors have put a lot of work into their collection of blog articles, videos, quotes, and other resources about kindness.  Each post is illustrated with a photo or video, and there’s plenty of variety to keep the site interesting.
  5. Light to grow in; reflections by Genevieve Howard. Subtitled “A weekly blog about kindness & personal growth,” and written from a Christian perspective, this site features thoughtful observations on everyday life. The author discusses her feelings in a frank and engaging way, showing how much can be learned from even the most ordinary experiences when one takes the time to reflect.
  6. The Positivity Solution (Shola Richards).  Written by a corporate trainer, this is a high-energy motivational website aimed at getting people to take action toward leading a more authentic life, treating others with kindness and respect, and generally making the world a better place. The author makes clear that positivity isn’t just about nice thoughts; it’s about what we choose to do every day.
  7. A Project for Kindness. The author, a kindergarten teacher, started this blog a year ago “to create a place where people could go to read about the goodness in people.” Even the smallest acts of kindness, she points out, can make a difference in a big way. Each daily post begins with a quote about kindness to inspire reflection.
  8. Kindness Girl. A mom who describes herself as a “kindness worker” blogs about her efforts to bring more kindness to the world. She writes: “I am drawn every day to creating new kindness ideas, posts, campaigns and projects that will meet us in the center of who we are and take us further outside of ourselves than we imagined. I believe with my whole heart that kindness changes everything…”
  9. Marge Katherine. After successfully challenging herself to do something outside her comfort zone every week and to blog about it for a year, she now seeks “to focus on those with whom I have made connections and create additional relationships through reading blogs that interest me. My gift will be thoughtful comments because their writing touched me.” She is an avid reader and illustrates her blog with lovely photographs.
  10. Positivity Practices. This blog is about the process of happiness—the everyday habits and intentions that build a strong foundation of positivity. The author writes that “happiness is a process, not a place. It’s a choice we make over and over many times a day.” Her posts describe how small acts can develop into long-term changes.
  11. Positive Boomer. A Canadian grandmother seeks to inspire others, and especially the Boomer generation, to stay positive and healthy. She regularly posts encouraging articles with quotes, photos, poems, and food and fitness tips.
  12. Kind Over Matter. This group blog describes itself as “a community of loving souls changing the world… focused on the creative, independent, entrepreneurial community.” Its participants seek to lead authentic and creative lives, setting an example for others to follow.  Featured topics include personal development, kindness in business, laughter, love, and kind acts. The site also offers free printable banners, labels, valentines, and other items focused on love and kindness.
  13. The Corner on Character. A teacher and character coach at a National School of Character blogs about life’s lessons of kindness, caring, and resilience. She writes: “…every small pebble, dropped into the water at the right place and at the right time, has the enormous capacity to ripple out and positively influence change.”
  14. Two-Minute Tune-Up. This site features short daily posts with a thoughtful assortment of quotes, self-help advice, and inspirational anecdotes to get readers into a positive mindset. The author stresses the importance of avoiding the temptation of gossip, as it detracts from one’s own character and happiness; she points out that “we are all in this together and everything we say or do we ultimately do to ourselves.”
  15. Professions for PEACE. Subtitled “musings on life, love and peace,” this site contains optimistic, motivating posts in a visually appealing layout with many images, quotes, and Bible verses. The author, who also maintains another blog about living green in the city, writes: “It is my loving intention to offer you all good things. May your visit here uplift your heart.”
  16. Why? Matters. This blog seeks to encourage people, and particularly those of Generation Y, who are asking themselves: “Why do I do what I do?” The author discusses making principled choices and working for something more than money; he points out that integrity, not money, is what makes life better. He writes: “As soon as you have figured out who you are, everyone around you will benefit.”
  17. The Presents of Presence.  Seeking to inspire people to reach out beyond their comfort zones, the author regularly posts motivational quotes and thoughtful entries to spark positive action.  She says: “I hope that perhaps you’ll find a tidbit here and there to take with you, to make you smile and to help you to keep taking baby steps on life’s path. I’m a great listener and I’m good at holding hands.”
  18. Take a Cup of Kindness. To celebrate small acts of kindness, this blog is offering a different kindness challenge every week in 2014. Seeking stories and pictures from their readers, the authors pledge: “Week by week, we’ll create a record of kindnesses done so that in a year’s time we can all look back on something wonderful.”
  19. Everyday Gurus. This site features a monthly Peace Challenge asking participants to write about a selected topic that relates to bringing more peace to the world. The author makes clear that he does not claim to be an actual guru; rather, he says, “I’d love to create a community of everyday gurus who uplift, embrace, and inspire each other and everyone around them.”
  20. Dreaming Aloud. Raising her family in a village on the coast of Ireland, the author writes about motherhood and cultivating a creative spirit. She describes herself as “in the business of nurturing and supporting creative dreams—my own and others. It is my self-appointed mission, and one I take very seriously.”
  21. Rarasaur: Frightfully Wondrous Things Happen Here. This dinosaur-themed blog is chock full of goofy creative fun—you’ll surely come away with a smile! The author is consistently kind and encouraging in all her interactions with visitors. She often illustrates her posts with enjoyable images and recently put together a large collection of them in one entry, writing: “These are our fun and games, our inside jokes, and little celebrations. This is us. This is a community by any definition, and a family by most.”
  22. Waiting for the Karma Truck. The author, a consultant and speaker, writes about “Lessons from life, work, relationships and examining the values that one should never compromise. I’m hangin’ out on the porch waiting for the karma truck and thought you might want to have a cup of coffee with me.”
  23. The Positivity Blog. Subtitled “Happiness & Awesomeness Tips That Work In Real Life,” this site belongs to a Swedish author who has a strong focus on personal development. He says: “I implement what I have learned and I learn from my own experiments and experience and figure out how to build a better life. This site, its content and I am a work in progress. And I’m sharing what I have discovered so far.”
  24. Stay With Yourself. This beautifully designed site focuses on sharing stories as a path to love, gratitude, and healing. The author says, “Stay With Yourself was created just for you—as a place of rest, encouragement, and guidance during your journey through life and self-discovery. New stories and passages are added every week, along with a curated collection of resources for you to grow and learn from.”
  25. Bits of Positivity.  Although this site began as a parent blog about raising children who were competitive figure skaters, the author broadened her focus as time went by. She says: “At Bits of Positivity, I share inspiration, motivation, word art freebies, ways to make a difference, and parenting ideas.”
  26. The Change Blog. A community blog about personal change, with contributions from people of all ages and backgrounds across the globe. “Through the choices we make each of us has the ability to reinvent our life and determine our future.”
  27. Jenna Dee. An Australian woman who pursues honesty and self-discovery through blogging, she says: “Committing my words to print leaves a breadcrumb trail to follow for anyone who wants to know me better. My aim is to share truths about myself because self-discovery involves accepting oneself for the person they are and not trying to live a lie.”
  28. Home Life Online. Originally a blog about home and family, this site evolved into a search for authenticity and sharing of personal stories. The author illustrates her posts with lovely photographs. She invites visitors to “make yourself at home and join in the conversations. Make friends with my friends. Isn’t that what life’s all about ~ sharing and caring?”
  29. A Universal Life. The author regularly posts encouraging affirmations and cheerful articles. She describes her blog as being about “meditation, health, peace, inspiration and words of wisdom.  I am passionate about helping people any time I can.”
  30. Becoming, One Breath at a Time.  This site belongs to a stay-at-home mom who encourages her visitors to live consciously and authentically, while offering “understanding, connection, inspiration, and courage on your journey toward becoming all you are meant to be.”
  31. In the Stillness… Laurie’s Gentle Healing Notes.  Through quiet reflection and self-acceptance, the author seeks to transform her world and to help others to do the same. She says, “I believe in the power in each of us to heal and work together to create a better world, and I believe now is a good time to start.”

Positive Blogs for February

  1. The Jolyn Project. Aiming to change the world for the better, the author says: “This may sound like a daunting or an unrealistic task. However, it does not have to be either one if we begin to think a little simpler and act a little kinder.”
  2. Universal Musings. Random thoughts on midlife and other topics from an author who says, “If Witty Banter was a career, I would finally know what to do with my life… I believe deeply in human rights, animal rights, and the empowerment of women all over the world. Except the ones who get on my nerves. Don’t judge.”
  3. It’s Just Life. Subtitled “finding the extraordinary in the ordinary,” this blog is about appreciating life’s simple pleasures, being present in the moment, and giving to others in need. The author has a page where she lists things that make her happy, adding new items as they come to mind.
  4. Crowing Crone Joss. The author says: “Long ago, when women held a place of honour in society, women of a certain age were referred to as crones. Back then, Crone meant “wise woman” and it was known that women who had lived a number of decades had seen and lived through enough turmoil, joy, pain and grace, that they had words of wisdom and insight to offer the community.”
  5. Be. Love. Live. Describing herself as “simply a pilgrim on a never-ending, adventurous, blissful journey toward inner peace,” the author posts a delightful assortment of photos and articles about travel and following dreams, learning to listen to one’s soul, and sending peace out into the world.
  6. On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea. This blog is the home of “Nurturing Thursday” posts.  The author says: “I seek to manifest my full potential as a divine creation to inspire, nurture, bring joy, happiness and peace to others as well as to my true self; all with an abundance of gratitude and for the highest good of all concerned.”
  7. Pocket Perspectives. This site features inspirational quotes with colorful backgrounds designed to reinforce the message, created by the author “with the strong, positive intention of using the power of metaphor and symbols, color and few words to work toward shifting and including each particular perspective into how I’m living my everyday life.”
  8. Tao of Scrumble: A freeform way of life, love and everything. Scrumbling is a colorful freeform mix of knitting and crochet that mixes many textures and yarns.  On this blog it’s a metaphor for the author’s carefree approach to life, mixing cheerful photos, comforting thoughts, and words of wisdom.
  9. A Leaf in Springtime. The author, a Malaysian woman living in Finland, writes: “I am inspired by everyday heroes. People who live with honour, kindness, dignity and selflessness — despite the odds. I believe that making the world a better place is not just rhetoric but a responsibility.”
  10. Writing to Freedom. Subtitled “a place to connect, inspire, and thrive,” this is the blog of a writer who says that he began it as a creative outlet to explore writing and reach for more joy in his life, and that it has been a wonderful journey to joy. He says, “I love sharing inspiring stories and helping others to thrive.”
  11. Wise Journey. Focused on mindful living in the moment, this blog features short musings and poetry, assorted photographs of London scenery, and gentle reminders that often it’s enough just to be quiet and at peace.
  12. Breezes at Dawn. The title of this blog comes from a quote by Rumi, “The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you…” The author enjoys hiking, meditation, photography, and the early morning hours. She regularly posts her photos, along with whimsical observations on the stories they tell.
  13. By the Sea. This blog features lovely photos of New England scenery and expressions of gratitude for the world’s wonders.  The author describes herself as on a spiritual journey, saying: “I feel the pull of the seashore and the woods and the moon, and delight in the light of dawn and dusk.”
  14. Not Just Sassy on the Inside. The author, who teaches yoga and workshops, says: “I feel I’m still growing and learning and yet I also have achieved some degree of wisdom. This blog is my effort to share some of the wisdom while making it clear that there’s always more to learn.”
  15. Victoria Katerina. A young Australian woman blogs about positivity, gratitude, makeup, loving one’s body, and doing little things regularly to become happier. She says: “I am super passionate about being as positive and magical of a person as I can be and learning and teaching people how to love themselves and their lives.”
  16. These Days of Mine. Featuring photos of the Virginia coast and its wildlife (including the famous wild horses of the Outer Banks), this site is consistently cheerful and welcoming. The author shows her appreciation for life’s small blessings with lighthearted posts, including some from her cats’ point of view.
  17. Mountain Mae. Celebrating a joyful and abundant life in the mountains of North Carolina, the author describes herself as a “seeker of wisdom, beauty and truth. Living each now moment with as much clarity and open-heartedness as possible.”
  18. The Inscrutable Paths of the Spirit. A Norwegian freelance writer living in India explores the wisdom of the spirit and the healing powers of nature through inspirational photos and poetry that encourage reflection and gratitude.
  19. When in New Places. The author, a teacher from Canada who is currently living and working in South Korea, says that she loves to contemplate truth and change. She writes: “We are all teachers and students at any given time on the stage of life…embrace both, one isn’t more superior than the other.”
  20. Dare Boldly. This blog describes the author’s quest “to live bravely in the moment. To let go of expectation, and judgement, and to simply be present to whatever is asking to appear, unfold, become in the now. And in the process, I’m looking to inspire acts of grace in everyday living.”
  21. Light Words.  Seeking to remind people of their spirit, a retired teacher explores “light words,” asking: Are they words that lighten our load, inspire, make life easier, make us laugh? Are they words that you can see through? Poetry? Are they images or sounds that drive away the dark, or guide us into the mystery and wonders of the dark? I wonder and hope to be surprised!
  22. The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally. After successfully challenging herself to write a post every day of 2013 about letting go of judgment, the author continued the blog. She says: “The more I let go of judgments or regrets about what’s happened in the past as well as judgments or anxieties about the future, the more I can be present to what’s going on RIGHT NOW (including the possible joy and beauty in this moment).”
  23. Ripplespeak. Inspirational poetry and bright, beautiful nature photos. The author says: “I’m a wave rider, art maker, star gazer, tree hugger, joy finder, truth teller, song seer, God believer, and I’m learning to think like a farmer, dance like a child, cry like a girl, love wholehearted, rest in motion and follow my hope.”
  24. Positive Provocations. Subtitled “Healing with Positivity, Love & Happiness,” this blog invites visitors “to come and explore your thoughts, your feelings, your growth, your life. A place where you feel safe to share, to care and to tap into those parts of yourself you didn’t even know you could experience.”
  25. Cordelia Calls It Quits. The author says: “This blog documents my attempts to rid my life of the things that don’t matter and focus more on the things that do. My Quits are my official calling of ‘Shenanigans!’ on anything that doesn’t make the cut for an awesome life.”
  26. The Daily Round. This blog is about discovering the slow life, asking: “Is it possible to live in and with contemporary American society while resisting the constant demand to work harder, produce more, and “do” faster? For me, life cannot be lived without solitude and time for reflection.”
  27. Did That Just Happen Blog. The author, a single mom, seeks to “stay close to home and enjoy the life I have been given.  You’ll frequently find me trying new recipes, making homemade gifts and navigating the worlds of friendship and family.” She maintains a bucket list page and a random acts of kindness page, checking off items as she does them.
  28. Breathe Lighter. The author, who lives in Southern California, enjoys exploring the region’s history and scenery.  She says, “Keeping an active mind and following my curiosity is what also reduces stress and assures that I’m breathing lighter! I hope you’ll feel welcome to come along at any time. I enjoy sharing.”

Positive Blogs for March

  1. Hope the Happy Hugger. With a title like this, you know there’s got to be something to make a reader smile! The author regularly participates in photo challenges and daily prompt challenges, giving her readers virtual hugs. The blog is subtitled “Life, love, happiness and most of all, kindness…”
  2. Find Your Middle Ground. The author, who is both a yoga teacher and a life coach, says: “Life is a series of highs and lows. Be grateful for the highs. Be graceful in the lows. Enjoy life fully and find contentment in your Middle Ground.”
  3. Anantakasa in Life. In accordance with the blog’s title (drawn from Buddhist meditation), the theme of its posts and photos is boundless space. The author says: “This blog is committed to creating space in our lives so we can feel the love, wisdom and power of the universe.”
  4. Our Enchanting Adventure. The author seeks “to offer up more ideas and conversation in this blog on what we can do to sustain that which is good, true and beautiful in the world and enchant those places and people that could use some help.”
  5. The Other Side of Ugly. Describing her posts as letters to humanity, the author says: “Consciousness is knowing and embracing your circumstances and that which is true and inevitable. It is not fearing them but rather facing them.”
  6. Live for the Living. The author “created this site to show others how simple life can be. When we fill our plates with more than we can handle, life gets complicated. This site is to challenge you to look at your own true values.”
  7. Flowers and Breezes. Seeking to remind herself of life’s many blessings, a Pakistani widow writes heartfelt posts about family, love, faith, and gratitude. She regularly participates in daily prompt challenges and posts inspirational word-art images.
  8. Soul Writings. “The mission of The Soul Writings is to awaken our souls to allow greater depth and understanding consciously of where we are today. It is to welcome humor, love and wakefulness to our being and to channel the beauty within ourselves to the communities in which we share.”
  9. Following My Joy. “When I’m following my joy, I rarely get bored; as I find even the simplest things bring me pleasure. I feel freer, lighter, and more in harmony with life. My goal, and the purpose of this blog, is to find ways to increase the amount of joy I experience in my daily life and then share it with others.”
  10. Still a Dreamer. The author, who writes and illustrates children’s books, shows her love for life in her cheerful photos and posts. She says: “Isn’t it wonderful how some of the simplest things in life can brighten our day? Good food, friends, inspiring art… it needn’t take much to bring us a bit of happiness and gratitude.”
  11. P.E.A.C.E. Subtitled “Enjoying Everyday Enlightenment,” this site features brightly illustrated posts about healthy recipes, gardening tips, home décor and crafts. “The living of peace during the daily minutiae of mundane tasks is the focus for this blog.”
  12. The Little Things. In her introductory post, the author says: “This blog will detail all of the little things which bring me nothing but happiness, excitement or which remind me of how grateful I am to lead the life I am living… to remind ourselves of the good fortune we have, or are surrounded by is vital in maintaining our overall happiness.”
  13. The Voice of a Soul. The author created this blog “to convey the voice of my soul, but also to listen to the beautiful voices of those around me. Having said that, I pray that the words shared via this platform may become a rose in your garden, and may your voices fill my garden with beautiful flowers…”
  14. Smile, kiddo. “I am recognizing many more small – but fun – things in my everyday life. Tiny little things that make me pause, perhaps blink, and then grin. Or chuckle. Or sometimes out-and-out guffaw (though that is still a pretty rare occurrence).”
  15. It Starts With. “I am a storyteller, writer and designer. My work dances at the intersection of architecture, technology, urbanism, psychology and creative design inspiration. I am interested in designing environments that enable people to be and live at their best.”
  16. Jack’s Jottings. “Over the years I have found helpful advice on living a happier and more contented life in the most unexpected places. I am not interested in changing the world, these jottings are just to remind me life is wonderful as long as I remember some important truths and have a positive attitude.”
  17. Crone-ing. “I am about embracing my crone.  My goal is to be comfortable in my skin (even as it sags), free and joyful in my heart simple in my mind (ignoring the chatter), passionate in my spirit, and quiet in my soul.  I want to satisfy my curiosities, simplify my life, laugh a lot.”
  18. Morning Angel. Seeking to inspire readers with cheerful morning posts, photos, and videos, the author describes this blog in two simple sentences on its About page: “Early morning bird, sharing love and happiness. Start the day with positive vibrations!”
  19. Me – Who am I? “Life is a road full of experiences that mold you into the person you are today and the person you will be tomorrow… The inner you can be brilliant and sometimes haunting. This blog is a journey of discovery.”
  20. Colline’s Blog. “I am made up of all the adjectives used to describe me, the experiences that have formed me, and the thoughts that flow through me when I read and react to what is happening in my surroundings. My blog is an expression of who I am; a potpourri of my experiences, thoughts, and feelings.”
  21. What a Heart Can Hold. The author, who explores life through fiction and poetry, says that her blog title is inspired by the words of Zelda Fitzgerald: “Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the human heart can hold.”
  22. Eliza Waters.  Showing her joy through beautiful photos, inspirational quotes, and posts about gardening and country life, the author says that her life revolves around “taking care of the gardens, house and family that fill my heart with gratitude and contentment. I feel truly blessed!”
  23. Peace with My Life. “I work hard to reduce the drama, chaos, and pain in my life. This, of course, often requires a change in how I think about things. As I find things that work, I want to share some of my ideas.”
  24. Know My Worth. “When I don’t know my value; when I don’t recognize, or appreciate, my own strengths and talents, my life is not all it could be. My feelings of self doubt have an impact on my interactions with others, and on the way I live my life. I have a desire to live my life to the fullest.”
  25. Bernadette’s Musings from the Messy Room. “It’s a place to share our beautiful messes! A place to stir it up, explore and express our creative impulses freely – from raw to finished. A place where we play without having to put up, clean up or polish up our creative clutter just because somebody stopped by.”
  26. Scripting Happiness. “I want to fill this world with happiness! I’m here with you… Leaving everyone better than you found them is my guiding principle in life. Now, I want to leave everyone reading my posts inspired, gleeful and happier.”
  27. I Am For Change. Subtitled “Positive growth and change in our world,” this blog reflects the author’s interest in working together as a global society to care for one another. A former soldier, he says that his travels and working with people from many nations and cultures have greatly enriched his life.
  28. The Thousand Mile Journey. The author observes that “…while we like to imagine life as one long journey, it is not. Life is, however, a series of first steps that take us on a path until it is time to take that terrifying and exhilarating first step of the next thousand mile journey.”
  29. This Abundantly Delicious Life. “Every day is a gift that offers the opportunity for me to create joy, love, and abundance in my life,” says the author. “This Abundantly Delicious Life is a place of gratitude. It’s where I come to melt into appreciation, and share what my heart is smiling about.”
  30. Serving Others Blog. Searching for new meaning in his life, the author writes, “I hope you enjoy this collection of struggles, observations, thoughts, questions, and the odd eureka moment, from a guy just trying to make sense of today, and perhaps serving others along the way.”
  31. Pathwriter. “I’ve been lucky enough to spend most of my adult existence living a creative life,” says the author, who regularly posts favorite quotations and personal thoughts. “I have been blessed to be guided at crucial moments by the words of others, and I’d like to pay it forward by sharing words that might guide those who read them.”

Positive Blogs for April

  1. Endless Light and Love. “My aim is simple, it is my calling to follow my destiny and continue on this journey, each day placing one foot forward always learning from others, never judging, remaining consciously in the now, enjoying nature and all it has to offer and helping as many people as possible along the way.”
  2. Only Here Only Now. Reflecting on mortality and the passage of time, the author gained more appreciation for living in the present. He says: “…more and more, I am centered, fully present in my moment. Each day I feel stronger and more alive. I am blessed.”
  3. Give Our Time. The author points out that “giving time is much more fundamental to our well-being than just volunteering or doing good things. It’s a foundation on which we can build a better life for ourselves while we build better neighborhoods and communities.”
  4. The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. In addition to a community blog with kindness stories, this site features ideas for projects, inspirational quotes, educational materials for teaching kindness, videos and other resources, personal stories, and a newsletter.
  5. A Little Positivity. The goal of this site is “to provide a variety of positive energy with dope music, calming meditations, loving advice, heartwarming stories, insightful interviews and so much more! So please feel free to stick around for awhile and get a little sprinkle of good vibrations and sweet elevation.”
  6. Lucky Attitude. The author blogs about taking charge of one’s work and life from a Generation Y perspective, saying: “I love being lost, I don’t know exactly what I want to do and I enjoy the tension of uncertainty. I think that if you want to live an awesome life, you’ve got to be a little lost.”
  7. The Blonde Perfectionist. Subtitled “each day is a gift to continue to grow and inspire,” this blog combines the author’s interests in lifestyle, travel, inspiration, and beauty products. She seeks “to work towards promoting a happy and positive life. I tend to make my posts as inspiring as I can so other people are affected in a really uplifting way.”
  8. Petals Unfolding. Featuring poetry, photographs, and encouraging thoughts, the author says that she started her blog to share what she has learned and is still learning. She seeks “to be the candle in the dark to help you see your way a little more clearly.”
  9. Beauty Along the Road. “This blog is dedicated to the discovery of beauty in all its ordinary and extraordinary manifestations. May we all learn to become more present with what is inside of us and around us, the subtle nuances of experience, the savoring of simple pleasures, and the celebration of what makes us unique and life worth living.”
  10. Let There Be Peace on Earth. The author says blogging has woken her creative side. On meditation and healing, she says: “I do whatever it takes to heal, but acknowledging that probably I caused the issue or better yet, my mind did. Once you understand the why then the healing will begin…”
  11. Peace Wisdom Prosperity. Offering advice on how to “live, love, learn,” this site features poetry, thoughtful reflections on the arts, and sharing the adventure of leading a creative and inspired life. The author says: “I am truly hoping this blog can better your life in some way, however slightly.”
  12. Invisible Shadow. “Making it through the dark days allows us to experience those days filled with color and life. There is still joy and laughter to be experienced, and love to be shared. I enjoy exploration and learning, and use this blog space to track my progress as I move down the path of healing.”
  13. Likeitiz. “Do drop by, join me for some conversation, and leave some comments. But treat it as though you dropped by for coffee and we’re gathered around in my kitchen, musing, philosophizing, and best of all, reveling in the great company.”
  14. Heaven Happens. This blog’s subtitle is a quote by Tom Stoppard: “Words are sacred. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones in the right order, you can nudge the world a little.” The author mixes poetry, history, photos, stories of her travels, and thoughts on spirituality and the natural world.
  15. Tuesdays with Laurie. “I am a teacher and student of purposeful living. With tremendous respect for the earth’s natural resources, my goal is to leave the slightest footprint on the planet, while at the same time making a lasting impression on its inhabitants—one that is positive, uplifting, constructive, and healing.”
  16. Power of Positivity. This group blog’s mission is “changing the world, one positive thought at a time.” Its authors seek to focus “on the good in the world, how you can expand that good within you, and how that expansion from within can generate more good for others.”
  17. I’m Confident. “My passion is to help people of all ages build confidence and increase their self-esteem.  Through lived experiences, I have discovered that happiness and success are only possible if we have confidence in our abilities and strong self-esteem.”
  18. My Spoken Heart. “My hope is that by revealing how I manage to navigate the storms of life, I can inspire and bring hope to others. Because living, loving and laughing are the essentials of life and hopefully if we can focus on those three simple things, then everything else will fall into place.”
  19. Jubilee Journey. “This blog began as a way for me to journal my experiences on the road for friends back home and has become my mission to provide others a way to a jubilee life… Enjoy the tales of my Jubilee Journey.”
  20. The Fearless Scribe. The author regularly writes “Fearless Friday” posts, which she says “might be an inspirational quote or message. It might be me sharing something new I tried. I might even write about someone I came across who did something fearless… I welcome you to share your fearlessness. Let’s be brave together.”
  21. Maureen Monte. Billing herself as a “success architect,” the author teaches how to build on one’s strengths. She says: “I believe that self-leadership – the ability to manage one’s personal energy and resources to achieve desired outcomes – is an essential and often overlooked part of the process.”
  22. A Rhythm Runs Through It. “Rhythm always exists in poetry… Life is also full of rhythms. Blood sings through our veins; footsteps, our metronome as we walk along; our conversations, a chorus beautifully sung. So, I give to you a window; a look at the rhythms I observe running through my life, and the rhythmic observations of others. Enjoy!”
  23. Tell Me About It. “My blog was started to share my photos, art and my thoughts about the things and people I love… We all get this one life, I don’t know about you but I want to LIVE while I’m alive! Have a blessed day!”
  24. Leona’s Lines. “I am a born and raised Midwesterner who traveled to Oregon in 2006 via the Oregon Trail route, fell in love with Oregon and now call it home.  I am semi-retired and pursuing my life long dream of becoming a Freelance Inspirational Writer. I love to write poetry, inspirational articles and devotionals.”
  25. Lady K’s Lounge. “I started this blog as a way to reinvent myself… I hope that anyone who reads my blog will join me on my journey of self discovery. It may not always be pretty, there’s sure to be a lot of baggage, but it will give you a few laughs along the way.”
  26. Three Daily Delights. “Every post is a list of three items – no more, no less. Every item is something I experienced in that day that brought a smile to my lips (and sometimes my heart). Every day is full of fantastic, amazing sensory experiences that beg to be appreciated. I want to notice them all.”
  27. My Bright Life. In keeping with the title, the author posts gorgeous, bright, cheerful photos and writes about her experiences. She describes her blog as a “positive take on a charmed life in an amazing part of the world… about simple living in a small coastal village in South Africa.”
  28. The Happiness Project. Adventures in becoming happier and developing positive habits.  In addition to her blog articles and books, the author regularly posts tips and quizzes, suggests projects for readers to work on, and encourages readers to get involved in happiness project groups.
  29. Miss Lou Acquiring Lore.  “I love to laugh, to be challenged… and to have LONGWINDED conversations about life… and all the wonderful things that have happened… (or that I plan on making happen as soon as I possibly can!!)”
  30. The Fluent Self. The author encourages “destuckification” and rewriting one’s patterns through “curious, inquisitive, playful self-inquiry as a way of being in the world.” She advises pursuing goals “in a way that is harmonious with who you are as a person” and through “mindful, fun, messing around to find out what you need.”

Positive Blogs for May

  1. From Acorn to Oak. The author, who posts inspirational quotes and photos, describes blogging as a way to feel alive. “The idea of a huge Oak being initially an acorn is a powerful symbolism, which I feel helps me keep believing that everything can be a seed for a miraculous life!”
  2. The Large Self. “The Large Self is that part of us that is always connected to the Universal Intelligence. When we shift our focus from the perspective of the small self – that limited view that we are separate and alone – to the perspective of the Large Self, we realize that we are magnificent and powerful creators.”
  3. A God Coloured Girl in a Grey World. “World traveler, lover of bright sunny days, experiencing cultures, good friends and conversation. I love my God and love my family. I don’t believe that I have the Truth, but that I have a relationship with Truth and want to be closer to Him.”
  4. The Glen House. “My blog is an account of my journey which started by moving into the Glen House; an old secluded farm-house next to woodland in the Irish countryside on the bank of a glistening river… I want to embrace the sweet-smelling fresh air and the vivid colours of beauty all around me.”
  5. Soul Gatherings. “I hope that these random reflections about people I’ve met and places I’ve been will touch your heart… often, we entertain angels unaware. Their spirits shine, and when touched by their light, we cannot help but be changed by the experience; we cannot help but know that we are never alone on this life journey.”
  6. Bonne Vivante Life. “…this blog is about living life married to amazement. To embracing the world in your arms. To not letting fear dictate your fate. To living life out loud. To experiencing, with every pore of our beings, every joy and pain and celebration and tear and confusion and ambivalence and fear and love–fully.”
  7. Lorrie Bowden. “I learned forgiveness is the key that allows love to blossom and I have never loved myself more than I do in this moment. My opened heart allows unconditional love to flow to every organism on earth; as we are all connected – shall we all be loved.”
  8. The Positive Project. “While I may not be able to change everything about my life and my expectations in one day, I can make at least one consciously positive choice every single day… The details of the positive choice matter less than the fact that the choice is made.”
  9. Ramblings from Jewels. The author often posts garden and wildlife photos; her blog sparkles with the joy she finds in the natural world. She says: “I absolutely love nature, it’s hard to describe how much the beauty of creation inspires and moves me.”
  10. Composer in the Garden. “My garden and my life as a composer are deeply intertwined, so that they are simply variations on the same theme.  The sounds and sights of my garden inform and shape my music making; when I work in the garden, it becomes a form of orchestration.”
  11. Clothed with Joy. “I write to bring light to the dark places. I am one who writes because my life has already been written by the Hand of the Creator… I have no goal or prize in sight, I write simply to write and display to the world my Clothing of Joy.”
  12. Nature on the Edge. “I blog about urban wildlife and the beautiful surrounds of the Cape Peninsula. Drawn to capturing the connection between landscapes and wildlife, I find conservation issues arising: the insiduous creep of urbanisation and the effect altered landscapes have on man and animal.”
  13. The Hand-Written Life. The author says that her passion lies in “writing about people, and the many ways that life and its experiences connects us all.  My goal is to become the best person I can be, my hope is that I can inspire a few others to do the same along the way.”
  14. Mirth and Motivation. “My family, friends, faith and colleagues have been instrumental to my growth; therefore, I remember with gratitude, how important it is to encourage others. Mirth and Motivation is a doorway to sharing my appreciation for life, for people, and for those things that add meaning to life.”
  15. Positive Kismet. “Positive Kismet is an inspirational lifestyle blog offering motivational advice, creative expressions, interviews, social media ruminations and spiritual insights. It covers topics on people, places, and events that shape our lives, and focuses on the power of a positive attitude.”
  16. The Painted Universe. “I am an intuitive with synesthesia, a harmless bit of neurological cross-wiring that causes me to see letters, numbers, emotions, and even people’s personalities in specific and meaningful colors… I created this blog in the hopes that I can share with you my somewhat unique vision of the world.”
  17. A Holistic Journey. “Stones collected along the shore of my wayfaring, some posts are light and colorful, others not. Relationships, identity, learning, time, faith, fun, the physical, the invisible. I see God’s handprints everywhere. Whatever catches my eye in the journey, I hold up to you.”
  18. A Wilderness of Words. “I learned early that a word beside another word and another made sentences and paragraphs and more paragraphs made pages, and before you knew it you were completely and utterly lost in a wilderness of words. And that was a good thing. Now I’m grown up. I read and I write and I still get lost in words.”
  19. Life Light Intuitive. “I love to explore the essence of us – our spirit, our core, our heart – and all the experiences that go into making us unique human beings. I write about those experiences in my blog, share quotes, poetry and other inspirational writing.”
  20. Love Well Live Well. The author describes her blog as “a place to find practical tips, inspiration, and stories on how to create a healthy and balanced life. My hope is that you take the love, positivity, and happiness that you find here and carry it with you on this crazy journey of life!”
  21. Today I Am Choosing Happiness. “I am passionate about people. I love figuring out what makes people tick, how they think and how they could improve it. I believe happiness is a choice and most of us don’t know that we don’t make that choice every day. I love making people aware of that.”
  22. Celebrating Sunshine. “I started this blog because life is a miracle, and I don’t want to miss a second of it. I don’t want to take the gift of life for granted or fail to appreciate it. I want to acknowledge it and be grateful for every second. I want to remember every day and every second, every feeling, every smile.
  23. A New Day Dawns. The author’s interests “include inspirational writing, card making, art quilting, and more recently, drawing and art journaling. She is also a bird-watcher and maintains a butterfly garden, because she needs to get out of the house once in awhile.”
  24. Snowdrops for Faith. This blog, subtitled “Find the unexpected joy in life,” features weekly posts about everyday blessings. The author says: “I want my blog to be a journey of being real about the victories, the struggles and the fun of living out faith. Let’s encourage one another and enjoy the unique adventure that God has in store for us.”
  25. Making the Days Count. The author, a middle school teacher, challenges his students to find ways to make their time matter. He says of his blog: “I hope to use it as a way to show that ordinary events can be extraordinary opportunities to write and everyone has something about which to write.”
  26. Daring to Live Fully. “Simplify your life by identifying authentic desires, and be more productive by doing less while achieving more, and by embracing creativity… This blog is eclectic, because I have a lot of different interests, but it all ties in to the topics of personal development and self improvement.”
  27. Abundance Tapestry. “My site offers a platform for me to share with you (the reader) my lens of beauty about life. My soul gift is in putting things together creatively. I use a variety of means to remind ourselves on how abundant we naturally are. I also enjoy publishing stories, sharing my photos, and ideas for inspiration.”
  28. Being Chelle. “It’s amazing where your imagination can take you and how much fun you can have living in the moment. This is what I’m aiming for on a long term basis; consecutive days where I am enjoying the little things… I want to let go of any inhibitions, make things happen and live the life I imagine.”
  29. inspired2ignite. “My passion is living life authentically and connecting with people in a real and genuine way. As I continue my journey of discovery, awareness and healing I more fully realize what an impact we can have on each other by sharing our stories.”
  30. Adventures in Kindness. The author created this site as a journal of a summer kindness challenge in 2013 and has continued to blog about kind acts since then. She says: “The opportunities to be kind abound and they present themselves as the day unfolds… the more open we are to being kind, the more kindness we seem to receive.”
  31. Rivers of Abundance. “Sometimes we need a keen eye to see God’s hand. More often than not, it is simply a matter of changing our perspective to look at things differently, or to change our focus altogether. My desire is to look with a new lens to see God in the ordinary, and even difficult circumstances of life.”

Positive Blogs for June

  1. Moonlight Reflections. “I love nature and animals, love to go on hikes in the woods and visit the mountains. I also enjoy reading and spending time with my family. I am a pretty shy, quiet, and sensitive person.  My parents raised me to be honest and compassionate and yes, I think it stuck.”
  2. Love Happy Notes – Daily Fun and Inspiration. “Conspire with me to inspire and be elated. Let’s celebrate, and elevate. Be funny and communicate. Become a relaxation affirmation transformation sensation, worthy of a standing ovation! Join me in this exhilaration manifestation.”
  3. Firebonnet. “I see beauty everywhere… Life is a joyous adventure, filled with paradox and mystery as well as sense and order, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I think of my photography and artwork as a visual prayer capturing the magic in a moment be it divine, prosaic or ridiculously funny.”
  4. Choose Your Happy Blog. This blog “explores how people consciously create happiness, by amplifying goodness in their lives or smiling in the face of challenges. Defining our circumstances, not being defined by them.”
  5. The Moments Matter. The author says “everyone has moments that matter. It’s important to acknowledge them, working them to the best outcome, embrace them, learn from them, teach from them. Sometimes, they’re fabulous moments, sometimes not… Let’s appreciate the moments together.”
  6. Hugmamma’s Mind, Body, and Soul. “People the world over are connected by the ordinariness of our lives. We awake, we eat, we work, we play… the big stuff comes and goes while the small stuff remains with us. And so I write about the minutiae of daily living with an ATTENTION TO DETAIL.”
  7. Blessings Through Raindrops. “I’m a loyal friend, a good listener, and fascinated by the world of others. I love music, books, coffee, and going on road trips with my best friend. I am comfortable with who I am. A quiet person in a loud world.”
  8. Rambling Woods. “My journey replacing fear with knowledge, curiosity and appreciation for all that nature has to offer. Novice backyard naturalist, native plant gardener, photographer and teacher.”
  9. Lake Superior Spirit. “We live one-quarter mile from the shores of Lake Superior… I welcome you to our little cedar house in the woods. I welcome you to the sound of cold waves lapping against the shore. Please linger awhile. Let’s sip tea together and share our stories. All are welcome here…”
  10. Diary of an Optimist. “I’m a positive person even when all around me is sad and gloomy.  I somehow always manage to find a ray of sunshine in a sky full of dark clouds.”
  11. Home, Garden, Life. “Residing in foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, in a quiet hamlet outside Charlottesville, Virginia, USA I am surrounded by unparalleled vignettes of nature.  Daily images inspire my photography — coloring my essays.  Passionate about whole food, sustainable living, and humane treatment of animals, I garden using organic methods — living lightly on this earth.”
  12. Joy in the Moments. “My goal with this blog is threefold: To share JOY I’ve found in the little moments of life, to gain insights into ways to experience more JOY, and to motivate my readers to find JOY in words (both books and writing).”
  13. Craves Adventure. “I love envisioning the life I want! I want to envision my dreams, my desires and my passions. I want to have fulfillment and satisfaction as well as accomplishment and success. I just want to live it large and have fun doing it!”
  14. Ozark Grace. “For me, life is fairly simple: love God, love your neighbor, do your art. As a Christian, my first priority is loving God, and I believe a part of loving Him is being grateful for what He’s given us. Here in the Ozarks, we have much to appreciate and enjoy.”
  15. Gardens Eye View. “This blog is about discovering my life and soul through lessons learned in the garden.  I love including many introspective posts within the gardening context.  I also love to write poetry and include it in many posts.”
  16. A Splendid Adventure Studio. “God has and continues to use this creative outlet to transform me.  It has become a tool that God uses to help me see deeper into my heart…  It is not always easy, but it is a splendid adventure.”
  17. Capturing Joy Everyday. “I am a simple soul who dreams big and celebrates everyday joys. I see beauty in the ordinary and seek to capture it with my lens. I am easily pleased… I am a seeker of patience and a learner of life. I am passionate about soaking up all that life has on offer.”
  18. Sew, Vintage, So fun! In this blog, subtitled “Inspired by the past to craft a joyful life,” the author writes about creative projects and finding inspiration. The author says: “I am in love with all things vintage. I also adore sewing, stitching, and otherwise creating pretty things… With everything I do, I strive to find joy in the moments.”
  19. Kelly Rae Roberts. “I believe that art has the transformative power to heal (both the maker and the receiver of that art). I believe that we get to make the rules, that we get to choose, that we get to craft the exact life that has been waiting for us. And when we do, we become fully alive.”
  20. The Well. “My hope is to make this a sacred space for the both of us… Like a meditation room, it will be quiet, simple and filled with natural light. A place to reflect on the big questions. A place to come for nourishment and peace of mind.”
  21. On the Road to Inkrichment. “I write because I owe a ten year old girl an explanation. A girl who years ago wrote personal diaries, essays and stories…but never found her way beyond those crumpled papers. Until now. I write because I think I have something to say…”
  22. Jennifer’s Journal. “Most of my blog is a platform for my personal thoughts and observations on life and events… I look back and see its overall theme has turned out to be one of Love, more specifically, the sharing of what I love or have loved in my life, with you.”
  23. Minuscule Moments of Inspiration. The author seeks “To create, illustrate and write happy hopeful stories for children. I take my inspiration for my books and novels from the world around me.  I try to think outside the square and never forget what it was like to be a child… I hope I can inspire you to DREAM BIG.”
  24. Sunny Sanguinity. “I’m a fierce optimist. I believe in the power of making life happen… Sunny Sanguinity has evolved into more than just optimism. It’s about my lust for life and my search for beauty, truth and balance.”
  25. Lulu’s Musings. “For years my primary focus has been weaving, designing cloth for one-of-a-kind clothing and interior applications.  I love connecting threads and having them become a cohesive whole… Life is a continual exploration of new ideas that comes from all I experience, and the joy of discovery gives new energy.  May it continue!”
  26. Chalkboard Quotes. Subtitled “Short Lessons in the School of Life,” this blog features daily quotes to inspire readers and to promote thoughtful reflection, displayed atop a chalkboard image as if written by hand in a classroom.
  27. Talk to Diana. “I believe in collaboration. I believe in building community. I believe in tearing down the walls that separate us. I believe in conquering fear through love and understanding and building tolerance. I believe we all have a mission and we are equipped with the exact right talents, education, experience and passion to accomplish it.”
  28. Mindful Diary. “Learning and sharing about mindful lifestyle is exactly what I do on this blog in a practical and down to earth manner… Mindfulness is much more than just a meditation, sure meditation is important, but it’s not just about that. It’s about learning, acceptance, kindness, present moment and letting go on a daily basis, while we’re living our life.”
  29. Her Way at Crabtree Gardens. “I find pleasure in photographing nature in my gardens for my website and this blog. I am a garden writer, coach and speaker, and I develop and teach garden workshops… I love the soil, nature, designing gardens and writing about them. My true passion is educating others working along with Nature.”
  30. With Grace & Eve. “I fill this space with words of love, life, gratitude, meditation and motherhood. I choose to seek joy, dream big, give thanks and listen to my heart. This is my journey to healthier and happier days.”

Positive Blogs for July

  1. Owls and Orchids. “I love helping others, and believe friendship is really underrated – it’s something we all need and there are some incredibly lonely people out there… here’s my thoughts on what’s happening in the here and now, until I can get to the then and after.”
  2. Susan with Pearls. “I love life. I love living. I love love. I love feeling good in my body and in relationships and with people. I love figuring out how to do all of these things better… for everything I think I know, there are 10 (20, 30, a million) things lurking that I do not know. But I love learning about as much as I love life and love.”
  3. Tania Marie’s Blog. Subtitled “Creating Life as a Work of Art,” this blog poses the question: “What do you dream your life to feel like? When you answer this, the journey of bringing that feeling into creation of what you desire it to look like can begin.”
  4. Be the Love of Life. “I’m committed to living the happiest and healthiest life I can create. I’m inspired to share this love and passion for life, and the knowledge that has helped me with other people. I am a creative artist co-creating my world and sharing my writings, wisdoms, and teachings with others.”
  5. In Her Words Avenue. The author, born in Venezuela and living in Miami, says that she blogs to share her photographs and “traveling experiences, thoughts about life, love, God, and adding some humor, to the everyday existence. Determined to light up the world, a day, a person, a thought, a blog at a time.”
  6. The I Am Blog. “My aim with this blog is to write about subjects that are positive; subjects that can make a positive impact on all our lives, not only emotionally, but physically as well… we are all connected as one: people, animals, nature, even the entire universe. We share one another’s joy. We share one another’s pain.”
  7. Paula’s Paradise. “We all have oceans of joy in our heart, no matter our geography. I’m lucky enough to have seen a good bit of the world, fallen in love, found sand in my shoes, and now live on an actual tropical island paradise… I hope you’ll kick your shoes off and wade in. The water’s fine.”
  8. Her Other Lovely Sides. Subtitled “a lifestyle blog to explore the celebration of our own varying uniqueness,” this site is the author’s “personal haven where I freely showcase the real me. The real me who’s got plenty of different sides to explore.”
  9. Go Jules Go. “I like to write about life (mostly my own, but I’d be glad to take a crack at yours) and all of the ridiculousness that comes along with it. Every now and then, things get serious (in, um, a super fun way).”
  10. Belong with Wildflowers. The author describes her site as “a lifestyle blog that aims to inspire anyone in search of a simpler life; a free-spirited life that connects with nature, animals, and the beauty around us.”
  11. Lorna’s Voice. “This blog is about giving a public voice to my thoughts about certain aspects of this daring journey most people just call ‘life.’ I know I’m not going to get out of this adventure alive, so I want to get the most enjoyment I can out of the journey.”
  12. davecenker. The author writes both uplifting fiction and insightful articles. He says that his goal and passion are “to share our stories and create an adventure together that makes our lives and our world more interesting and more meaningful. Jump on and enjoy the ride.”
  13. A Path of Light. “Once you set your mind to do something, there is no stopping you. Even your wishing to reach your goal will help create situations which will help you… Work hard, trust, and you will get there.”
  14. Raptitude. The author describes his blog as “about getting better at being human. We never think of ‘being human’ as something you can get better at, but it is… everyone wants to be happier, yet relatively few people make a point of learning the skills that really make a difference in their level of happiness.”
  15. A Wild One Within.  Posting thoughtful entries and inviting readers to share their experiences, the author says: “A Wild One Within is about daring to live life out loud, with just a bit more awareness, connection, kindness, and happy humor.”
  16. sunflowerrosecw. “I’m a girl who likes to write and that, of course includes blogging. People always say that I’m one with a young shell but a old soul. Since young, I have a happy go lucky attitude and what made me so thankful is that I have positive thinkings in life… When times are bad, I chose to look at the brighter side because I believe in positive attitude.”
  17. My Life Lived Full. “I believe that life is what you make it.  Some prefer to keep it safe and stay within their comfort zone.  I prefer to think that life is really lived skipping along the edges of my comfort level.  It often means pushing the limit of what makes me a little afraid and facing down that fear.”
  18. Peripheral Perceptions. The author seeks “to record the observations of my life from different corners of my personality. In these mind wandering, I write about kids, grandkids, dogs, cats, work, passions, friendships and relationships of all kinds. Mainly, it’s a trip through my inner thought processes.”
  19. Positive Outlooks Blog. “A positive outlook is beautiful. Humor is contagious. Laughter we believe is the physical form of positivity. We are not here to change you. We can only offer a positive perspective from which you can view the troubles besetting you from a different angle. It is up to you to find the sunshine within.”
  20. Mindful Balance.  The author says his blog “contains mainly personal reflections on life and meditation practice, on Psychology and on Spirituality… I hope that some of the reflections, quotes and advice will encourage that ongoing development of mindfulness in peoples’ lives.”
  21. Lavender Reflections. “I have a lot to say about a lot of different things. I am obsessed with everything positive, self-help books and websites, making friends, living this life to the fullest, and reflecting on setbacks.”
  22. Petals. Paper. Simple Thymes. “A recently retired educator, I am enjoying this lovely gift of time spent with family and friends. My wonderful husband is a true blessing in my life! Gardening with perennials and herbs, card making, scrapbooking, watercolor painting, antiquing, letter writing, reading, travel, and taking long walks are just some of my favorite ways to spend my days.”
  23. Crone Chronicler. “When I was fifty-five I decided I wanted to be an original. I wanted to stop doing what others expected of me and discover the person who emerged… I have been exploring new ways of experiencing the world I come in contact with and how it changes me.”
  24. Learn More Everyday. “Learning. It is what we do everyday. But–more importantly–it is what makes life worth living. Whether we are undertaking a new hobby, starting a new class or just stumbling onto life lessons as we make our way in the world, we are all life-long learners. This blog is dedicated to capturing some of those lessons through a bit of reflection and sharing.”
  25. The Usual Bliss. “My family and friends are most important to me, and I strive to live a simple and optimistic life. Life is too short to allow it to be filled with negativity (whether it be my own or from others).”
  26. Flourish! “This blog is part of entering a new season of discovery. I want to keep learning and growing as long as I’m on this earth, and I’m using this space to share some of my journey in words and pictures. I hope you find something here that resonates with you, and inspires you to flourish in your own life.”
  27. Sacred Touches. “Hello and welcome to my blog where I post musings and photographs that celebrate the earth, the seasons, life, nature, and the Maker of Heaven and Earth. I hope you will come and visit my garden of flowers and thoughts from time to time. In the meantime may the Lord bless you and keep you.”
  28. little blog of happy. “I’m lucky to have a loving family, a beloved sister and many great pals who make my life good.  I live in Richmond, British Columbia, where I work in a flower shop. I take great delight in reading, blogging, gardening, entertaining, scrabble (assuming I’m winning), and life in general.”
  29. Smile Buttercup. The author says that this blog is meant to “put a smile on your face. It’s meant to motivate and inspire. My hope is that whoever comes across Smile Buttercup is able to feel that sense of joy and happiness, which is its main purpose of existing.”
  30. Hunting for Bliss. “Bliss is defined as a state of ‘perfect happiness’ or ‘great joy.’ Bliss is everywhere, although we don’t all seek it in the same way, it’s in the details and it’s always present… Hunting for Bliss is a blog about my search for bliss in all the little and big things that make my heart sing!”
  31. Daily Blessings. “Without my faith intact, the rest of my life gets out of control pretty quickly… No matter how hard life gets, I know I’m blessed just to be here and have my life! I love reading comments so leave one while you’re browsing through…”

Positive Blogs for August

  1. Coral Tinted Perceptions. “I am a twenty something South African. This is a lifestyle blog which basically gives me artistic freedom… I love (in no particular order) my family, my faith, all things football (or soccer, whatever you want to call it)… I hope that my little space on the World Wide Web is an oasis for you.”
  2. The Story River. “Words, thoughts, tales from others, fascinate me, and I started this space as a place to hear those stories. My hope is that we can sit back here, as if gathering around a warm fire with friends, and chat about words.”
  3. Dragon’s Dreams. “I’m a Hopeful Romantic, because I would much rather be Hopeful than Hopeless. I follow my heart and my dreams and never give up. Life and Love aren’t easy, but all we ever have is one day at a time. No one knows the future…and if you give up today, you might just miss the best part of your life tomorrow!”
  4. My Life Class. “Working my way through my spiritual life with help from everyone and everything I can find… There are many teachers in my life.  I am like a sponge, soaking up those teachings for which I am ready at the moment.”
  5. Doin’ the Grateful Dance. “I’ve learned so much from others and am really hoping something that I’ve learned helps someone else. I’m grateful, grateful, grateful! If you found your way to my blog, there may be a reason and hopefully something that you find here will add to your life in some way.”
  6. I Heart Change. “Inspired and, therefore, expressed. Things that may someday prove to be wrong (or brilliant). Thoughts on business, changing the world, life and relationships. An outlet for words and ideas festering. Things learned. Things nearly learned.”
  7. Eric Tonningsen’s Awakening to Awareness. “A self-belief advocate, I’m all about encouraging people to be ‘Who they are’ rather than ‘What they do.’ I’m relatively unimpressed with social labels, love living independently and admire individuals who are willing to effect constructive change in their lives.”
  8. My Universe Within. “I believe in making my own happiness my priority so I can give my best to those I care about… I believe in being silly, laughing as much as I can and embracing my inner child; we never should completely ‘grow up.’ I look for the simple pleasures in life. I believe unconditional love is the best thing human beings are capable of.”
  9. Tellin’ It Like It Is. The author, a mom and teacher, writes posts that are creatively designed to appeal to all of a reader’s senses. She frequently expresses her gratitude for life’s blessings and wrote a “30 Days of Thanks” series last year.
  10. Tea & Paper. “I love to write, take photos, read poetry, paint, and explore all forms of creativity. I always try to find simplicity and magic in everything as a starting point to my creativity. I’ll share a little bit here in my blog with you.”
  11. Meanings and Musings. “A few years ago when reflecting on my life, I saw the changes in my life that had crept up when I was not paying attention… In a moment of clarity, I decided I would pay attention to the years coming. I chose to begin something of my heart’s desire instead of just imagining it.”
  12. The Writer’s Reverie. The author describes herself as “an Enrichment Artist with a passion to bless and inspire others to a life more abundant and purposeful in all good things and beauty… Blogging has been a way for me to explore my craft and connect with kindred spirits where a constant stream of inspiration enriches me – so I can be an enrichment in the lives of others!”
  13. A New Life Wandering. “My name is Mani (short for Manija), my name is from India but I was born and raised in Mexico City. In 2008 I met my soulmate (an American) while traveling in India and in this blog I write about our unpredictable experiences, attempting to seek a simpler life, wandering around the world, and surrendering to God.”
  14. Robert Jepson. “Writer, sailor, adventurer, mindscaper, engineer, in no particular order. This blog is about the world of writing, self motivation, mental and spiritual development… As I develop as an author I wish to help others through what I have learned.”
  15. The Imperfect Cook & Runner. “We have a small space….don’t have much use for fancy gadgets…but we have one lovely, warm kitchen filled with love, open to friends and family, and we simply love to cook and share in a quiet, yet fulfilling existence…hopefully you will be inspired by our small, but satisfying space.”
  16. My Eclectic Existence. “I’m a social person, so I turned to the Internet for interaction when I made life changes due to health. I’m a ‘glass half full’ type of person and choose to count my blessings instead of drown in my sorrows.”
  17. The Asymmetry of Matter. “Remember fondly. Listen attentively. See clearly. Think broadly. Enthuse effusively. Speak gently. Love kindly. Live graciously. I try to do these things and capture them in poetry, photography and art.”
  18. My Sweetheart Life. “I live in the bluegrass state, Kentucky… No matter how busy life gets, there is always time to travel country roads to visit family and friends… I can’t wait to get to know you! I absolutely love my friends and family! And my creative projects! So much so, that I want to share them with you!”
  19. Table of Colors. “I’m a thirty-something young woman and for the past several years I have been doing product development for coffee shops and bakeries. It really is my dream job. I decided to start this blog to share some of the little pleasant things in life.”
  20. One little Peace. The author says her blog “is here to inspire self love & strong community, provide wellness info & resources and share a bit of my journey to be well & find balance in this wild, magnificent thing called life.”
  21. Lead Our Lives. “My blog is a creative outlet where I offer my perspective, my observations and feelings about this journey of life. If you find something useful for yourself in what I offer here, then I have succeeded in honoring my life’s purpose.”
  22. Lifebeam. Subtitled “Sharing the brighter side of life one picture at a time,” this blog is packed with cheerful pictures and inspiring quotes. In the introductory post, the author “welcomes you to LIFE and its immensely interesting facets like you’ve never seen and felt before.”
  23. yes even this too will pass. The author, who recently sold his home and resolved to simplify his life, says: “I began a transformation back into who I was meant to be… I am going to write the opera of love and spiritual passion. I intend on living my life in freedom…”
  24. Live What You Know. This blog “is about creating enough space around our choices to make them from the still quiet place that matches our soul’s intentions. When we live what we know… we feel the stillness inside and we align our choices with our soul and we live with purpose and truth. “
  25. “We’re here to discuss aspects of human well-being as they relate to our sense of self, our personal identity and whatever other notions we may hold for our own uniquely human sense of being… The discussion is positive, respectful, non-judgmental, considerate.”
  26. Songs of Wisdom. “Violence and loss, sickness and death are inevitable, but by following the songlines of visionary women and men down through the ages, we have the opportunity to create more ample and generous templates that frame an increasingly kind and compassionate world. These are the songs of wisdom: living words given soul by the melodies of the heart.”
  27. Inspiring Max. “I believe the way you look at the world changes your outcomes, and I always focus on the positives in any situation. Developing a spark of hope into a fire that warms you and lights your path is my goal. Life is too short not to make the most of what we have.”
  28. small circle big circle. “I stumble every day into random bits of beauty and wonder… accidental moments in which creation utters words that rest upon my mind like drops of dew on blades of grass or sounds of birds singing at dusk.”
  29. Jane Thorne. “Once upon a time there was a lassie who had a compulsion to write… So far along this journey I have found my voice, made some wonderful new friends, created links across the world, read some great blog posts by other talented, creative folk and I have had fun.”
  30. Inside the Mind of Isadora. “Intriguing, sensitive, mysterious, loving, artistic and crackling with excitement for life… I’m always dreamin’ of ways to touch the hearts of those who visit me in far greater ways than before they visited my blog.”
  31. Tiny Lessons Blog. The author, who posts beautiful salt-marsh wildlife photos and inspirational poems, says: “I thought I would share with you some of the tiny lessons I have learned and still keep learning on a daily basis. I hope you find them useful, or even just interesting.”

Positive Blogs for September

  1. Let’s Have Another Piece of Pie. The author says that to her, pie represents “a moment of bliss with people you love.  It brings to me a type of peace that flows and flutters around a room of nostalgia and contemplative thoughts – even if I’m alone at the moment.  Add a piece of good home-made pie to those moments and you’ve got a recipe for joy!”
  2. That’s So Jacob.  The author cheerfully describes his life goals as follows: “Get one. Clean apartment. Read all the books. Find true friendship and true love. Discover the secret to looking young and looking older at the same time. Accomplish goals. Enjoy it. One of these days I’ll write a decent bio of myself.”
  3. Soul Set in Motion. “My name is Tracy and I am a ballroom dancer, yoga fanatic and lover of adventure. My soul is best expressed through movement and connection with the eternal. I am writing this blog to share with you the journey…”
  4. Live Life Love Inspire. “Since last year I have been on a journey to understanding what my life is all about… I started journaling my thoughts, meditating, eating healthy, minimizing my personal possessions, practicing mindfulness by being aware of my thoughts and actions, letting go of the need to control everything and allowing myself to be in the moment.”
  5. Passing Thru. This blog combines fun travel posts, reflections on lifestyle and mindset, and advice on simplifying and finding freedom to travel and enjoy one’s work. Upon realizing that they could not afford to retire, the authors “decided to treat our circumstances as opportunities.”
  6. The Seeker. “I am a pilgrim on this earth. So I created this space to share with you my ‘In Between Times.’ It is a continuous series of: from one moment to the next, from one thought to the next, from one action to the next.”
  7. My Awakening Life. “I am an avid photographer and I wanted to be an inspiration to my blog followers, so I decided that I would add quotes, thoughts and writings along with some of my best photographs. I hope you will enjoy my blog and please let me know what inspires you as you awaken along your journey of life.”
  8. Anything is Possible! “When we open our eyes and our hearts, we discover that God and the Universe really are conspiring for us to be happy. When we think and speak positively about our hopes and dreams, when we express gratitude for the good things we already have in our lives, we receive joy and success.”
  9. Elizabeth Milligan. “I started writing this blog to keep me busy after a big move from the city to the middle of the countryside, but I now realise it’s much more than that. This is where I come to express myself creatively in words and pictures, it’s where I build my confidence, expand my skills, challenge myself and connect with like-minded souls.”
  10. Always Well Within. The author, who teaches mindfulness and meditation, describes her site as “an unconventional personal development blog for people who are willing to think deeply, explore their inner landscape, and create positive change – for themselves and for the world.”
  11. Be More with Less. Subtitled “life on purpose,” this minimalist blog “is about simplifying your life and really living. Living with less creates time and space to discover what really matters… more health and less stress, more space and less stuff, and more joy with less obligation.”
  12. Social Bridge. “The concept of a ‘social bridge’ is one which fascinates me. I tend to think of people, events, places, things, which connect people across time and place. Different people will have different ‘social bridges’ which have been important in their own personal lives and then there are social bridges which are more ‘public.'”
  13. Ramblings and Musings. “In this journey to cultivate joy and gratitude, my focus has changed. Challenges still arise, but with practice and patience my attitude toward the challenges has shifted into using them as the exercise equipment that they are to make me a stronger, better person.”
  14. The Spacious Life. “I believe life is an adventure, both inner and outer, and reinvention is a constant. Life can be fun and easy and it’s never too late to step into the life that’s waiting for you. It is my passion to help you create environments that ensure your success.”
  15. Reflecting a Life. “I believe we can do amazing things and live amazing lives when we all come together. We can all live consciously as the limitless beings we are when we reclaim the hidden power within…”
  16. Daily Echo. “I am a Yorkshire born painter and writer, living in the south of England. I paint the strange things that come as images in dreams and fantasies and write about life as it happens. I was raised in a spiritually eclectic family in a landscape where myths and legends were woven into the stones… It is not the path that one walks that matters, but how one chooses to walk it.”
  17. To Enjoy Now. The author declares “This self improvement blog is to remind you are here to enjoy your presence!”  She writes about self-awareness, developing a positive mindset, dealing with stress, and appreciating life.
  18. Yes Rising. “A space of intention to inspire and advocate wellness… Wellness is an active, lifelong practice of making conscious choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life of pure potential – the integration of all dimensions of being including emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, nutritional, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual into well-being.”
  19. Living from Happiness. The author writes weekly posts “about things that make me happy and inspire me… I have found my life is so much better when I live from happiness with gratitude rather than living for happiness.”
  20. Life as a Garden. “I started this blog because I want to help people feel more connected to their life and experience the joy and peace that comes with that… Remember, you are not all alone on your journey, so ask for help when you are lost.”
  21. Me, My Magnificent Self. The author writes New Age inspirational posts, describing her site as “A quiet and safe space for fellow magnificent beings to relax, be inspired and be the powerful CREATOR you truly are.”
  22. Travelling True North. “Life throws strange and interesting challenges that steer us away from the person we think we are, from the activities we most enjoy – the things that keep us grounded and sane! Travelling true north is my way of travelling back – to find the same centre. Or an even-better new one.”
  23. A Garden in the Shire. This charming blog has the look of an old-fashioned storybook, with tales of olden times in Wales and photos of their historical settings, along with plenty of cheerful gardening entries. The author says it is “a little bit o’this and a little bit o’that ~~ pull up a seat, help yourself to tea, and let us chat.”
  24. Elephant’s Child. Packed full of bright happy flower and wildlife photos, this blog also features thoughtful entries on how the pretty things we see on the surface are not necessarily the whole story, and we should keep in mind that sometimes people are struggling more than we realize.
  25. A Bowl of Cherries. “I am blessed to be married to my best friend and to be the mother of three beautiful daughters… I am learning to live in the present moment, to share my gifts with others, and to savor both the sweet and sour that life has to offer.”
  26. Lessons for Life. “I’ve learned every lesson the hardest way possible. But, I have always tried to grow and change for the better. Hopefully one day I will become a person that I can be completely proud of. Until then, I will continue on my journey. In the process I hope to lift up those around me.”
  27. B is for Blessed! The author says that she “enjoys helping people, and finds joy in dispensing an encouraging word whenever possible… sharing of insights, and communicating with others about the awesome power of prayer, and what God is capable of doing, has become a calling.”
  28. Discovery of My Self. “The most beautiful beginnings really DO come from the darkest of endings. My eyes have been opened to hope and seeds of change that I have never before experienced. This is the very start of my beautiful beginning.”
  29. Soul n Spirit. “I love meeting people from various walks of life, knowing their perspective about life, sharing my experiences and try to learn something from every individual come across in journey called LIFE. I believe that learning is a continuous process… I see beauty in everything and I try to reflect it back through my posts.”
  30. Think Positive, Be Positive. “Here you will find inspirational sayings, quotes and messages that relate to life… daily messages of wisdom and humor based on events, friends and things I come across that hit home for one reason or another…things about people, relationships, friendships, how people interact.”

Positive Blogs for October

  1. Frictionless Living. “We all encounter friction in our lives. Things that get in the way of what we’d really rather be doing with our time. Things that we wish we could either simplify or get rid of completely… we can all embrace a little simplicity and creative thinking to make life richer, less complex, more rewarding and definitely more friction-free.”
  2. Pumpkin Sunrise. “My name is Karen and I am a wife and mother who knits to relax.  I have a daughter and a son who are off at schools forging their paths to adulthood.  So with an empty nest upon me I’m rediscovering myself. My journey is evolving and I love this stage of my life.”
  3. Nature as Art and Inspiration. “I am a writer and nature photographer, living in a small rural village in the Samford Valley. Here on Australia’s east coast, surrounded by the Samford State Forest which is enclosed by four rugged mountains, I enjoy exploring new and interesting ways to engage with the beauty of the natural world that surrounds me.”
  4. Brenda @ It’s A Beautiful Life. “I’m not a painter or a photographer, but I love to paint the colours and beauty I see around me using words. And so I write. To inspire, to encourage, to hold out words of life for healing. With the hope that they will motivate you to look around, to see the beauty, and to live with joy because you, too, have caught a glimpse of heaven here on earth.”
  5. Nuggets of Gold. “Writing can be a private thing to deal with all kinds of emotions and it can be public, used to reach out to others and touch their lives in ways that you may have never dreamed of. That is what I want my writings to be now, I want to touch others!”
  6. The Connected Life. The author, who describes herself as a clarity coach and possibility thinker, says “engaging in meaningful work and creating a life with more joy is entirely possible and essential for greater fulfillment. It comes from knowing and honouring your values, your strengths and all those things that make you uniquely you. And I believe connection is at the very heart of it.”
  7. The Art of Living Beautifully. Subtitled “Inspiration for the home & garden,” this blog features photos of the author’s decorating projects, flowers, and other things that give her joy. She says: “By embracing what we each feel is beautiful and putting it out there for the world to see, we have put forth part of our true selves. And people respond to it because it is authentic.”
  8. Tender Heart Musings. “A seeker of truth, beauty and light. On this journey that leads inward, whatever flows during those sacred plunges continues to evolve me as a person and the experience surfaces in the form of these musings. Two ecstasies – love and pain, have ripened me the most and continue to do so. Eternally grateful for both.”
  9. Leaf and Twig. Subtitled “where observation and imagination meet nature in poetry,” this blog features short poems, generally two or three lines, paired with nature photographs. It’s a lovely place to find small moments of peace!
  10. Breath of Green Air. “I live in Scotland near Edinburgh, and you will see lots of photographs from around where I live, as well as across Scotland on this site. I try to link my photos with my thoughts, my love of nature and with the practise of mindfulness, in the hope that you might enjoy the results.”
  11. Cee’s Photography. The author, who hosts cheerful photo challenges, says “I am like a different person when I have a camera in my hand.  My world slows down and I can actually stay in the moment and discover all the marvelous things around me… I adore sharing my life through my photography and welcome you to join along in the fun.”
  12. Plain Talk and Ordinary Wisdom. “Is it possible to make a difference in the world? I believe so. One way is through trust in sharing each other’s stories. That’s what I hope to give in writing these kitchen-table stories… I’ve always believed, if we could find common ground and talk, anything is possible and, if there are problems with one another or life issues, most of them could be resolved.”
  13. Life in Between. The author says her blog is about “all that stuff that is in between… The stuff you get to do when you don’t have to do something. The choices you make and the things you do when you can do whatever you want.”
  14. Ramblin’ Rose. “My ramblings are essentially about my Encounters .. with myself, with others, and with my Lord. The distinctions are not always clear but I feel these are the three areas of encounters on the road of life… this blog is an open book into which I want to scribble my mind’s story.”
  15. Earth Born Living. “I want this place to be my moment to pause, to find a slower pace, to drop a little deeper, to notice, to share… Everything we do or can do has the potential to be brim-full of soul-making.”
  16. The One Thing I Know For Sure. “In my lifetime, I have realized that a lesson is worth nothing unless you pass it on. My blog is a lot about learning lessons. Some I am still learning, some I would like to share with others… My goal for this blog is to touch one person at a time.”
  17. Harmony’s Pearls. This blog is subtitled “A life of harmony with pearls of wisdom,” and the author observes in her introductory post that “Harmony is a great thing to work toward, and most certainly a reward, but oftentimes it takes disharmony to find it.  This blog will be about the pearls of both.”
  18. A Fit and Focused Future. “I love to think critically, and obsessively sometimes, about whatever it is that will help me, friends and family live a fit and healthy life. This involves everything from food and fitness, to family to health, and doing what it takes to prioritize what is important to us as individuals, as part of a family and also as members of our community.”
  19. Plus One Wee Bean & a Buggy. “This blog was started to share our family journey… It documents our love, journey, laughs, our challenges, traditions and honesty, our blessings, beliefs and experiences. I hope you can feel our sincere faith in one another and all we do.”
  20. Sofia Wisdom of the Ages. “Previous societies cherished and recorded the wisdom of their tribes’ elders for next generations to use for their benefit… My plan is to begin officially recording and documenting the oral histories of our elders and other adults whose stories and legacies may inspire next generations but also improve our society’s knowledge and understanding about aging with grace and dignity.”
  21. Learning As I Go. “What I try to do here is relate what I have learned… Just like your own story, this one continues on, and around each corner, with each new day, there is something more to understand, another lesson or bit of wisdom to take in. We never stop learning.”
  22. Hands Free Mama. “I want to make memories, not to-do lists. I want to feel the squeeze of my child’s arms, not the pressures of over-commitment… I am letting go of distraction & perfection to live a life that simply consists of what matters.”
  23. Send Sunshine. The author hopes to “touch as many people as possible with a vision of positivity and squelch our acceptance of negative influence. We read it, we eat it, we watch it, we exude it and accept it. It really is not okay. How has this become acceptable to hold back the energy of human kindnesses and the well being of mankind? If the world were a positive place would it not be a better space?”
  24. A Design So Vast. “I write mostly about the challenge of truly inhabiting the moments of my life, the joys and difficulties of trying to be a mindful parent. I talk about my effort to find something to believe in and about my groping around the edges of my faith. I write about books I love, and the ways that stories and voices touch me.”
  25. Maheshdan. Subtitled “Health is Wealth Be Happy,” this blog belongs to a pharmacist in India who works with social organizations, sees learning as a continuous process, and hopes to provide some good and helpful ideas for readers.
  26. Life on the Cutoff. “I am a lover of family and friends, books and food,  gardening and gabbing and love to share stories and recipes, books and experiences with all who visit me here. I have the wonderful privilege of living with my husband and best friend…”
  27. blue butterflies and me. The author, a Healing Qigong Practitioner, says “I found the spiritual aspect of Qigong, Shengong my point of interest. The idea of events, traumas and things possessing a small part of our Qi/Chi, life force energy. I found great value in Soul Retrieval, a reclaiming of the fragments.”
  28. Create a Beautiful Life. “I believe in the transformative power of creativity. I like the process of sharing thoughts & experiences because we learn so much from each other… That’s basically why I started this blog, to express and promote the beauty and goodness of life.”
  29. Finding Fab-You-Lous. “Creeping closer and closer to my 30’s I can finally believe that I have the power to action my dreams and achieve my goals one day at a time! Strong, powerful, passionate and finding me!”
  30. Thuita’s Journal.  The author, a Kenyan student, gave his blog the name Polly and writes motivational entries in the form of letters to a dear friend. He says that he is “Learning to treat life as a journey, not a destination. As such, I’m trying to enjoy each day whatever it brings… I’m beginning to appreciate every moment with all its gifts and challenges.”
  31. Sea Blue Lens. After living in many parts of the United States, the author “returned to Maine, the home of my heart. Who knows what’s next? Perhaps that’s what I’m trying to figure out here, as I remember the past, explore the present, and contemplate the future through words and images.”

Positive Blogs for November

  1. Catching Sundust. Subtitled “creating and collecting everyday magic,” this blog finds joy in everyday moments, playfully seeking fun and creativity. The author says in her introductory post that starting the blog took courage after having “spent forever talking myself out of things I really want to do.”
  2. Rebecca Grace. “Hello and welcome to my little oasis. I hope you enjoy my thoughts and musings. I’m 40 something and a little bit of everything under the sun… Passion defines life for me, in everything I do, following my whims down the winding path less taken.”
  3. Unbusy Me. The author seeks “to offer a different perspective on living, and to give inspiration and tips to those who want to become unbusy but don’t know where to begin, or how it may help you live a more meaningful and satisfying life. I write about tips and inspiration, and share stories about how I live my life being unbusy.”
  4. Choose your P.A.C.E. “I have always had the desire to write and publish my thoughts, feelings, and experiences around leadership, positive attitudes, and coaching. These topics have inspired me and provided direction in my personal and professional life… P.A.C.E. stands for Positive Attitude Changes Everything.”
  5. Worthy Ideal. This motivational blog’s subtitle is “Invoking Inspiration and Empowerment through Personal Development.” The title comes from a quote by Earl Nightingale, “The only person who succeeds is the person who is progressively realizing a worthy ideal.”
  6. Tea Time Musing. “Enjoying a cup of tea, either by myself or with others while reflecting on or sharing life, ideas, laughter, tears, and solving problems large or small is a lifetime habit… Please brew some tea, hot or iced, and stop for a moment and muse with me about the special gifts life offers.”
  7. Deepest Worth. The author says her blog “is a written road map of the places I have been and the places I am going.  It is a treasure map for all of the things that I hold most dear and the pieces of myself for which I am still searching.  It is a compass that I hope will always point me in the direction of my Deepest Worth.”
  8. The Wink by Amanda Magee. “I called my blog The Wink because it is my favorite thing about a story, pitch or experience. ‘And then came the wink,’ it’s that special something that takes a moment for ordinary to extraordinary. Life can be like that, there can be a wink, I try to use this space and my general day-to-day attitude, to celebrate the winks.”
  9. A Step in the Journey. “I’m Laura Beth, but my friends call me LB. I’m as southern as my double name suggests… I’m saved by God’s grace and strive to live a life worthy of the calling I’ve received. I’m so glad you are here and would love to have you join in the journey.”
  10. Growing Happiness A Paradigm Shift. “I love where I live in the West of Ireland and feel blessed each day to be able to walk and explore where I live as if for the first time… My life has been and still is thank God a work in progress and I hope to share on this blog lots of interesting stories and ideas that have caught my attention.”
  11. World Youth Success Inspirer. “I hail from the North-West Region of Cameroon where I began my working life as a teacher, a job I enjoyed very much before I became a journalist… What I enjoy most in life is motivating, educating, encouraging and inspiring people to bring out their best and realize their dreams in life.”
  12. Life Inspired Thoughts. “Welcome to my little corner of the world where my thoughts about marriage, food, health, faith and whatever else is on my mind all reside. My hope is to offer encouragement, hope, and maybe even a smile or two along this journey called life.”
  13. Angle and Views. “Taking pictures while climbing up a rocky wall teaches you immediately to change your perspective to make the best out of your impressions — looking at things differently, changing perspectives and out-of-the-box thinking became my philosophy… With this blog, I’m trying to build up a colorful potpourri of my travel experiences, sporty achievements, funny things that happened to me and my love for taking pictures.”
  14. Exploring the Unexplored. “I am an amateur blogger from India with an optimistic view towards the places I visit and try to inculcate the values and traditions of different culture found in the hamlet mountains… This blog is, as the name suggests, exploring the unexplored, going to places which have had few visitors and they remain secluded from rest of the world.”
  15. spanishwoods. “I am a mother, a wife, a graphic designer. This blog features some of my photography, art, poetry, essays and the beautiful photos that my son Wolfgang and my husband Philip have taken. Share my thoughts—come into the woods with me…”
  16. Finding the Gift. The author says that she is “passionate about helping others wake up: to the lives they were created to live; to become the people they are capable of being; to allow themselves to dream again with unlimited possibilities; and to FINDING THE GIFT in their own lives.”
  17. Live Through the Heart. “I choose to live my life with honesty and integrity, often asking, ‘what would my best self do in this situation?’ I aspire to live with an open heart and mind. I constantly challenge myself and push toward a deeper understanding of who I am and what my purpose is in this universe.”
  18. Best Practice Life. “I’m fascinated by how some succeed when others fail. I question why many with so much live a life that’s so empty? I’m intrigued by watching some push themselves beyond their comfort zone, while others do all they can to avoid the unknown… And I keep coming back to one conclusion: Best practices.”
  19. Life Is Full of Sweet Spots. The author describes her favorite sweet spots in life: “The world of nature, where birds fly and wildlife plays, where there is water, where flowers add light to the landscape and where the sun shines. The world of art… The world of family and friends, of travel to new horizons and cultures, of spiritual rest.”
  20. Horizon Breaker. “Each of our lives is like a candle, which means that we have the ability to illuminate the existence of others without darkening our own. This blog is my attempt at that. Here you’ll find musings and advice on diverse topics…”
  21. Believe Anyway.  “The purpose of my blog is to inspire, share ideas, express my thoughts, and uplift myself and others. It is my fervent hope that my blog, on my best days, will light the proverbial candle in the darkness. On other days it will at least get some of my thoughts onto electronic paper and stop them from just knocking around in my head.”
  22. Apple Hill Cottage. The author, who is restoring a cottage in her rural hometown, says: “The birds sing all day… The porch looks east and there’s nothing better in the early morning than sitting on the swing drinking coffee and reading Jesus Calling. Yes, I can hear creation singing.”
  23. Project Easier. “The purpose of Project Easier is to present activities, recipes, ways of thinking (or clearing the mind of thoughts) and doing things that simplify and improve life.  We hope you find something that helps or inspires you to make life a little easier!”
  24. 52 Beautiful Things. “People say that gratitude increases happiness. Happiness is something I certainly want to cultivate in my life, and so, in an effort to practice gratitude and find the good in the every day, or rather the every week, I have challenged myself to find one beautiful thing to think about, to reflect on, or to discover each week.”
  25. Kathleen Bean. “I share how motherhood, marriage, friendship, spirituality, gardening, cooking and reading shape me. How I try to care for my mental, physical and spiritual health in the midst of caring for my family. How I’m learning bit by bit to battle my perfectionistic tendencies rooted in anxiety. How I’m (hopefully) growing in grace.”
  26. The Nomadic Chica. “Since childhood I felt curious to know other countries, other places, other faces… I kept wanting to know and traveling to destinations that I keep deep in my heart, knowing the goodness and kindness of the human being, and getting help in the most unlikely places.”
  27. Thoughts for You. “I am here to help other people like YOU realize how beautiful and unique and ESSENTIAL you are to those in your world… I am here to empower others to reach for and ACHIEVE their dreams and I want that for you.”
  28. Now at Home. “I am Aletta, a retired primary school teacher and now I am at home! I recently relocated to Cape Town and I love to discover new places… I’ve always loved to create, whether with food or crafting and now at long last have the time to pursue my hobbies and interests and blog all about it!”
  29. soulsister. “This is a special space to create, to share, to inspire and to understand more. As I take my steps day by day, this space will grow and evolve too. Where am I going with it? Just enjoying the present moment… I hope I can spread a smile, touch a heart or inspire a connection. So if you feel like it, walk with me, explore and have some fun along the way, too.”
  30. Here I Am. “We’re all on a journey, and I want to share mine with you and hope that you’ll find a connection and share with me. Here I Am is about being present, living in the moment, and staying positive, while learning and living it up and loving and laughing along the way.”

Positive Blogs for December

  1. Cauldrons and Cupcakes. “I love all things magical, and I am sure that cupcakes have healing qualities! I’m passionate about helping people connect into their own inner wisdom, intuition and grace.  I believe that you can be happy. I believe you can heal what’s been broken. I believe that you can know real love.  I believe that you can make a difference.  I believe that you can shine.”
  2. Garden of Delights Blog. Subtitled “Thoughts on gardening and life,” this cheerful blog features garden photos and articles about life in Southern California. The author says she writes “about more than just gardening. I love our pets, horses, and nostalgic farm and ranching topics, especially when we are having a huge drought!”
  3. Traveling Light. This blog “is about letting go of the heavy and realizing the light… life is so simple.  It can handle itself.  There is an energy and intelligence at work in nature, and we are all a part of it.  If we can learn to let it, life will use our tools, our talents and our traits in the best possible expression of our unique being.”
  4. Glory Begin. “If we are truly engaged with the universe as spiritually awakened beings, we are all beginners all the time. Little winged creatures putting one foot in front of the other, day after day, just starting from where we are on the way to where we’re going. There’s magic in the stepping, you know. That’s where we are guided by angels and wisdom and play.”
  5. Sia Positive. “We’re deep thinkers, sometimes so much as to get lost in the cloud of life’s philosophy. Over the years we’ve tamed our head and heart to follow the positive and live at ease in harmony with the Universal Truth. Welcome to our very own minuscule world of thoughts and reflections. We are here to take you on a ride to a blooming creative world…”
  6. Adjusting Your Focus. “I’m Carol and a Mississippi girl, with part of my heart up north… I’m a writer, and have been since I learned how to write. Before that, I was a storyteller. I would set my dolls and stuffed animals in front of me and I would make up stories to tell them.”
  7. Good Time Stories. “I am a 50 year old Physical Education teacher and coach… I REALLY enjoy collecting and writing inspiring and heartwarming stories to share with other people.  There is nothing better in the world than to do things for other people and making them smile and feel good about themselves.”
  8. Awaken & Begin. “The purpose of this site is to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation to implement the positive changes that can transform us… I hope to spark a renewed sense of joyful awareness in life. Unfortunately so much negativity pollutes our world and our existence. I want to contribute more to the other side; the hopeful, optimistic side of life.”
  9. Such Small Hands (Lily Ellyn). “I am 26 years old and I am still becoming. I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, but I hope it involves writing and travel and children and working for peace and justice in the world… I am currently living and working in Daegu, South Korea where I teach elementary school English… I am still searching for purpose and meaning in my everyday life, still asking questions, still learning, still growing, still becoming.”
  10. Kaleena’s Kaleidoscope. “I’m a twenty-something California girl with what a few friends have described as a ‘zest for life.’ I believe in taking advantage of the opportunities that surround us and experiencing life in all ways daring, bold, wild, and wonderful… I hope you’ll join me for the ride and that some of my experiences will inspire you to live a colorful life full of adventure and beauty!”
  11. They, You and Me. “Life never ceases to amaze me, amuse me and play games with me. I think that all of us go through a lot in life and when we go through it together it becomes easy to traverse the unknown paths. Let’s join hands and minds to strive to inspire each other to love a happy life.”
  12. Beauteous Beginnings. “I talk about everything from positive and inspiring things, education, and parenting, to things like housekeeping, organization, and beauty… It’s my hope that I can inspire you to become a better you, and that you will enjoy!”
  13. Productive Changes. “I am 22 years old, from Glasgow, Scotland… I’ve started a blog as a way to write stuff down and hope some others get some enjoyment out of it. I want to make people’s lives a little better and that’s my aim in life, it’s what makes me happy.”
  14. About What Matters. “I believe we are here to become better people–to learn and grow and heal, to reach out and help others, to add to collective wisdom, knowledge, and accomplishment. These are the goals that really matter. What also matters is all that brings us real joy, contentment, and pleasure along the way.”
  15. My Path with Stars Bestrewn. “I’m a lifelong student of the woods, fields, ponds, and rivers that surround my home… stillness, solitude, and peace are the things I cherish and choose for myself against the noise and distractions of the modern world. With an eye toward all I find beautiful, it is this sense of peace, of stillness, that I wish to convey.”
  16. Soulleitmotifs. This blog, subtitled “ephemeral,” features a stream-of-consciousness assortment of beautiful poetry and photos that inspire a visitor with their colorful energy and fascinating layers of meaning on which to reflect.
  17. Flowers and Wanderlust. “I write as a means to uproot my anxiety about life in general and to inspire those around me. I write to provide proof to myself that I can do anything if I want it badly enough… from now on, I will ease back on the worries and let them fade away, to just enjoy my future and what is ahead of me instead of being fearful of the unknown. Most of all, I write to live a life of substance.”
  18. Canopy in the Sunlight. “We need to remember how to find and focus on the good, the gratitude, the light that seeps in thru the cracks of our days. We are that light… This is my space. My place to use the alchemy of my words to luminesce, to remind myself to come from my joy.”
  19. happyface313. “I love all kinds of beautiful things, art in various fields… To me art can be a prettily decorated cookie, a way a person dresses, the way someone deals with life, the way to treat family and friends… And yes, the most important to me is a positive outlook on life, hence my blog name.”
  20. Soul Art Medicine. “I believe in the human spirit and our potentials and that we can be soulfully connected and creative in life. My path in life is to become that and be a guide for people who seek it as well… I know that with the right intention art can become sacred and can be a healing aid for those who need it.”
  21. Rose as Petal. The author, a young woman in Bangalore, India, says that the rose “stands for each essence in this beautiful world which makes this world a beautiful place and also carries along with it at its foundation the thorns, the sadness that is a part of it too… Hopefully, my readers will like each petal and make them happy.”
  22. Healing Your Heart. “My search for meaning in life. Going through the ups and downs… we all partake of this journey through life, feel all these things in our own way and in our own way we will gain the wisdom to bring us to that point that is our Truth and know its perfection for exactly who we are.”
  23. MamaMick. “Mama of two, wife of one. Looking for entertaining ways to broadcast my imperfections with the intent that yours won’t seem so bad. At best, I’m in my own little world and I’m okay with that–they know me there!”
  24. Peaceful Pathfinder. “An adventurer, outdoorsman, experiential learner, teacher with a calm presence and awareness in nature; a man who desires self knowledge looking for new places to explore. A story teller. The Peaceful Pathfinder is the soul writer of this blog connecting with his soul when sharing personal experiences of his passions in the outdoors and personal growth.”
  25. Pursuit of Happiness. Subtitled “Life is Wonderful!” this blog is written by an 80-year-old author who says “I’d like to stay young in mind and spirit and to enjoy every minute of my life. My greatest joy and love is my family.”
  26. Spiritual Digging. “Growth is an inevitable side effect of meditation. Once our thoughts settle down, inspiration, peace and curiosity emerge. We want to know who we really are, what we’re here for or maybe more simply, find a sense of balance, a way to make it all work.”
  27. How to Be a Better Human. “In a literal sense, we teach each other how to be human every minute of every day, from our birth to our death. And as the saying goes, there’s always room for improvement, always room to be a better human, and part of being a better human is to remind each other what that means, and what that takes.”
  28. Under the Lotus Tree. “Just as the lotus flower lives and blooms because of the mud and muck beneath it, we human beings evolve because of the lessons learned from the suffering we experience… I hope to offer you a bit of compassion and wisdom, and help your own lotus flourish.”
  29. Playing Full Out. “My name is Karen… I have struggled with low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, fear, perfectionism, people pleasing, and control for most of my life. In 2013 I was introduced to holistic ways of healing, and it has changed my life profoundly. I am playing full out in my holistic approach.  I want to help those who are struggling…”
  30. Motivation from the Heart. Happiness is not a destination but a way of being, the author says, and “living is meant to be filled with joy … Here’s to sharing the journey, enjoying the ride and remembering the beautiful souls who are hiding out inside … just waiting for an invitation to come out and play.”
  31. Just Having Fun. “I’m an observer… I observe the human condition, the world around me, and things that tickle my fancy… Happiness is a choice. Fun funnier funniest. I like to have fun. I look for things to enjoy. I choose to take pleasure where I can. I hope these pages pass on a bit of my fun to you.”


  1. Hi! I’m so glad to have come across your blog. I loved the idea of breaking the ice stories. And this kindness tour is such an amazing idea. I’m feeling inspired. I’ll be looking forward to reading more from you. Happy blogging 🙂

  2. Much appreciated — happy blogging to you too! 🙂

  3. I am so honored to be included as one of your positive blogs for September! Thank you, Meg!

  4. Hello Meg,

    Thank you stopping by and leaving a ‘footprint’ of your visit in my comment box. So appreciate your note.

    What a lovely idea to host a random kindness blog. I look forward to visiting other blogs that you’ve listed here, and of course, getting to know you better as we share a bit of the journey together.

    Here’s wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places…..

  5. PS…. Just as I was posting the previous comment, I saw the link to my blog show up on your October list. I’m honoured. Thank YOU!


  6. Dear Meg,

    So thrilled to have found your blog via your comment on mine. This is a wonderful mission you are on here and I was so grateful to be included in it. Thank you!

    And here is to creating more “Quiet, peaceful, refreshing spaces” in our homes and lives.

  7. Wow! Thank you, Meg. I’m honored you stopped by and enjoyed my blog and felt it worthy to add to your Blog Tour for October. This is an incredible journey you’ve taken on and didn’t realize there were so many positive blogs out there spreading the love. I’m happy you included me in your adventurous blog tour and looking forward to getting to know you.. 🙂

  8. Hi Pat — I’m happy to have found your blog too! As you say, it’s great to discover how many positive blogs are out there. 🙂

    • Thank you, Meg. I like making the discovery of you, too. Just with the list you’ve compiled so far of positive blogs, it goes to show how much of a difference that’s being made around the world. Thank you for doing this. It sends a powerful message.

      • Last year I wanted to read more positive blogs, but did not know where to find them! So I decided to go on a virtual quest, which I’ve found both fun and inspiring. And yes, although the message that there’s a lot of good stuff in the world may be a very simple message, there is indeed power in it!

        • I can see where that would keep you busy, Meg — for sure. There are so many of them and such good stuff being put out there. I’d never get anything done for reading but wouldn’t want to miss anything either.It’s a hard choice.

  9. Meg, thank you for your kind remarks on my blog and for the link up here! I love this quest you have set upon and plan to revisit this page and look for some more inspiration.

  10. Wow, that is a long blog list! Thanks for adding me to it, I’m honored to be among the positive change makers of the world.

  11. Hi Meg!

    Congrats for the great job you’re doing! I hope my website makes it to your list of “Random Kindness Blog Tour”. Thanks.

    Wishing You Every Joy,

    Thuita J. Maina.
    Kiserian, Rift Valley, Kenya

  12. I’m happy I found your blog through your comment. What a wonderful idea this is! Thank you again, Meg. 🙂

  13. Thank you Meg for adding my blog to your November list of positive blogs! I look forward to reading your blog and some of the others you have listed.

  14. Thank you so much, Meg, for adding my blog to your wonderful list. You have created such an amazing collection of interesting blogs. It will be a joy of browsing and reading your blog as well as your blog list. Wish you a great and happy day!

  15. Thanks, Meg. What a great idea to start your Random Kindness Blog Tour…it offers so much that I know I want to check out! And I’m honored to have added to the November list!

  16. Hi Meg, great blog! Thank you for adding my blog to your kindness list!

  17. What a cool project! Wow

  18. Thank you for creating a community of positivity and connecting us by sharing links to our individual blogs. What a great idea! I am excited to “meet” the other authors. Thank you for discovering me and including me in your Random Kindness Blog Tour – I love this!! xo Adriana

  19. I love your random kindness blog tour. What a great idea and such a wonderful list of inspiration to explore. May we continue to spread the kindness together.

    Thank you for including soulsister on your tour. I am honoured and extremely grateful.

    Namaste Delicia

  20. Meg, this is so sweet and thoughtful of you to do this 🙂

    Thank you for adding my Beauteous Beginnings blog.

    Have a great day!

  21. Thank you for adding me to your positive sites for December Meg, very much appreciated. I now have a little adventuring to do over Christmas and wander through the list. Have a great time, may it be with the love of the season. Namaste

  22. Love your blog, Meg! Thank you for adding mine, and when I redo my blog links, yours will definitely go on it. Happy New Year!

  23. This is such a wonderful idea! I love that you’re doing this, it is very kind and thoughtful. Thank you for adding my blog to your positive sites on your Random Kindness Blog Tour. I feel very blessed and honored. Thank you! Have a wonderful day!

  24. What a great idea. Thanks for taking the time to do this. I have bookmarked and look forward to checking out this list of positive blogs in 2015! Keep it up on passing on positivity, kindness and inspiration!

  25. Thanks for sharing lots of positive blogs …

  26. Thanks so much for this! I love the compilation of advice from different folks, and that they all add up to a really helpful bigger picture.

  27. What a great and inspirational list!

  28. Meg… I’ve been following your blog since…. well we came across one another in 2014… I am impressed that you were able to do a new blog each day for a year. I get your Nurturing Thursday post in the email each week and sometimes I look and sometimes my Thursday cup is overfilled and I don’t. Sort of like you experienced this past Thursday. Stay well and energized. Peace.

    • This comment made my day! 🙂 Thanks so much for letting me know that you’ve been enjoying my posts all these years, Clay. Wonderful to see!

  29. Meg, I rebranded my blog ( Do you mind visiting it and leaving a feedback on the blog?

  30. I have learn a lot in this blog its help me to respect and kind to my self, I think this is help you too –> Being Kind To Yourself is Being Kind To Others Thank you!

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