After a long string of dark days, I can totally understand why pagans in ancient times would light candles at the winter solstice to chase away the dark. Unlike the pagans, however, we are blessed with libraries and plenty of books to curl up with in a cozy modern house.

My workgroup had a Reading Challenge this year, which involved reading books in various categories. It’s over now, but I checked out a sequel from the library to one of the novels that I read as part of the challenge. Just right for the slower pace of winter days!

Word-art with a library photo that says, "Take time to do what makes your soul happy."

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”

There’s an old expression that holding onto resentment is like letting your enemies live rent-free in your head. I just came across an image on Pixabay that illustrates a creative variation on that idea, so I’m sharing it for today’s Nurturing Thursday post.

Word-art that says, "Holding hostages?" with an image of a prisoner in a person's head and a cloud of words like "Resenting" and "Fearing."

(Image credit: John Hain)

I like the idea of visualizing those old pointless grudges as prisoners, rather than squatters, because it makes clear that they have no power and can be turned loose at any time. Squatters act with intent and are likely to resist being evicted, whereas prisoners just mark time and are glad to be released. After they’ve been behind bars for so many years, maybe they don’t even remember how they got there.

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”

My daughter, who lives in Cleveland’s snow belt, is currently working in Hawaii as a travel nurse and enjoying the warmth and the beaches. As an unexpected adventure, she also got to see the eruption of Mauna Loa up close, and she sent me some photos on Monday. Here’s one of them:

Photo of erupting Mauna Loa volcano at night.

She is a neonatal intensive care nurse, and a few years ago, she worked at Cleveland Metro. Then she discovered that travel nursing paid more, plus the costs of travel and housing. Adventure and more money, what’s not to like about that? And of course, as more nurses made the same discovery, hospitals lost more staff and relied even more heavily on temps from the travel nurse agencies, digging themselves into a hole that I can’t see them getting out of any time soon.

Somewhat related to the hospitals’ woes, I’ve noticed a few alarmist articles in the news recently about the Federal Reserve’s string of interest rate hikes, aimed at cooling off the economy to get inflation under control. Doomsayers warn of recession and job cuts. I think that’s overblown, and as supply chains improve, I expect the economy will do much better. I don’t foresee many jobs being lost other than in the construction and finance industries, where raising interest rates effectively put a stop to housing speculation.

Now that we live in a world of persistent labor shortages, interest rates don’t have nearly the impact on unemployment that they had a few decades ago, when large numbers of workers in the baby boom cohort struggled to find jobs that could easily be sent overseas. We’re never going to see an economy like that again. Employers are realizing that they need to hold onto talent, as I am sure the Fed’s policymakers are aware. Workers also know that their skills are in more demand than in past years.

Of course, the rate hikes are in part intended to make consumers get uneasy and spend more cautiously. Monetary policy has as much to do with mind games as with economic facts. But overall, I’m not worried. Higher borrowing costs are not going to cause short-staffed employers to lay off workers that they desperately need. Workers likely won’t be deterred from job-hopping in search of adventure and better pay, either. We’ll see what happens, but I expect it won’t be anything dramatic.

My husband has been away on a business trip this week; he’ll return later this evening. The house has been weirdly quiet. I was working from home before the pandemic, and quiet days felt ordinary to me then, but it’s very different now that I have been sharing the home office space with my husband for almost three years. Without having him around to fill my office area with cheerful energy, it just seems like a big, empty place.

While it’s also fair to note that sometimes he has interminable meetings that leave me craving a quieter space, this week has brought into focus how blessed I am to have a loving family—along with others who brighten my life such as kind friends, helpful coworkers, and readers who take the time to write encouraging comments on this blog. Many thanks to all!

Word-art that says, "To all the people who are loving and kind to me. Thank you for the sunshine you bring into my life."

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”

This is the sixth story in a series. Click here to read all parts from the beginning.

The icy wilderness beyond the oversized door looked eerily empty. It wasn’t altogether devoid of life; a few scrawny conifers clung to the rocky slopes on either side of a frozen lake, but I saw no animals or birds. Sunlight brightened the scene but gave little warmth.

frozen lake and rocks

I didn’t see any sign of dragons, either, which was one advantage of suddenly finding myself in a bitterly cold wasteland. Dragons, like all reptiles, preferred warm climates. Still, if I froze to death here, it wouldn’t matter that nothing was trying to eat me.

Going back the way I came wasn’t in the cards, though; not with dragons and sea serpents in the way, and of course I had no clue how to reopen the portal to my own world even if I could reach it. Lacking any other choice but to go forward, I let the big door swing shut behind me, but not until after I checked to make sure the knob would turn from this side. No sense locking myself out when I had no idea what I’d find here.

I took off the hood of my fire suit to get a better view of the landscape without the visor. Looking up, I saw no flickering magical portals anywhere, which didn’t surprise me. After all, nothing was ever that easy. I did see two blood-red moons that hung near the horizon, both large enough to give the unsettling impression that they might fall out of the sky at any moment. The sun was low enough that it didn’t look like I could walk far without losing the daylight.

The cold wind in my face was strangely constant, without lulls or gusts. It smelled of ice and rock, with maybe a trace of woodsy scent from the trees, but that was more likely my imagination. Putting my hood back on so I wouldn’t lose too much body heat, I decided to start walking to my right, toward the setting sun. If I didn’t find shelter in that direction soon, then I’d have to turn around and come back here. The hard stone of the passageway inside the door wouldn’t be the most comfortable place to sleep, but it definitely beat freezing in the open air.

I picked my way carefully along the rocky shore, feeling very thankful for my sturdy shoes. A clump of conifers nearby offered a windbreak and more level ground, so I headed toward it. There were no paths, which suggested that no predators were likely to be lurking, but I kept a close watch anyway.

After a while, the trees grew more densely. Calling them a forest would still have been a stretch, but they could at least pass muster for a respectable woods, of the sort that lakeshore cabins back home in Tennessee might’ve had. The sun was just about to sink below them, which would have been my cue to turn around, when I saw the bright glow of a lantern through the trees.

Wonderful turkey day wishes to all! I’ve been happily spending a quiet Thanksgiving reading an excellent fantasy novel, Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik. Inspired by the Rumpelstiltskin fable and set in a dukedom in long-ago Poland, it tells the story of a moneylender’s daughter who bargains for her life with a magical winter king. I was so engrossed in the book that it wasn’t easy to take a break just to write this short blog post. Good books are rare treasures, and I am thankful for a world that has them.

Word-art with a turkey that says, "Happy Thanksgiving."

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”

There is something about November’s short days and dark, heavy skies that makes the past feel weightier. I’m not sure what it is, but there are days when I feel like a squirrel with a big hoard of memories set aside for the winter. They bounce around, sometimes taking me back to places that no longer exist, and distracting me from thoughts of the future. When that happens, I gently remind myself that there are many more stories yet to be told.

Word-art that says, "You've got a new story to write and it looks nothing like your past."

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”

A snowy Saturday morning left the grass and trees covered with plenty of the white stuff. The ground was still too warm for any snow to stick to the roads, and by Sunday it was all melting. I browsed through late autumn landscapes to choose one for my digital art display. After a while, I settled on this image of a brook with colorful autumn trees in the background.

Photo of brook with autumn trees in background.

(Photo credit: Jim Lukach)

My younger selves in the imaginary village of Channelwood approved of the choice, or mostly so. Seven-year-old Ponch had put on a warm coat over her dress instead of her usual poncho (no doubt begrudgingly). The coat’s weight and thickness did not deter her from skipping across a narrow ford where flat-topped stones spanned the brook.

“That water is cold,” warned twelve-year-old Sara, sitting on a blanket in the grass, as she glanced up from the needlework in her lap. A marshland scene in progress, with very realistic cattails, decorated a large square pillow. “You wouldn’t like it if you fell in, would you?”

“Mother hen, cluck, cluck,” retorted Ponch, flapping her arms rudely. She lost her balance for a moment and teetered precariously above the brook before making her way across.

On the near bank, my five-year-old Peter Pan alter ego, wearing a favorite green jacket, was building a fort out of twigs and moss. A formation of smaller twigs with yellow leaves looked ready to launch a pebble from a catapult, while the defenders stood behind a palisade with brown leaves for their uniforms.

Sara turned toward me. “Did you come here to play?”

I thought about it and realized I didn’t have a good answer. “Well, maybe. I just happened to show up here, and I’m not really sure what I want to do.”

“That’s the trouble with being grown up,” Sara told me sympathetically, as she took another neat stitch. “You get so used to doing everything on a schedule that you forget what it’s like going out to play.”

I meant to dispute that point, but before I had my thoughts clear on what to say, I went off to do some household chores. After that, I was busy for much of the day. Monday morning showed up before I knew it, and by the time I got back to composing this post it was Wednesday afternoon.

“Well, okay, it’s true that schedules can get in the way,” I had to admit. “But I certainly haven’t forgotten what it’s like to get outdoors and be active. I go rowing with my husband most days when the weather permits, and we also run road races like the Turkey Trot.”

“That’s not the same as going out to play.” Sara gazed toward the other side of the brook, where Ponch had sketched a hopscotch grid in the dirt with a sharp stick and was tossing a pebble into it.

“When children go out to play,” she continued, “it’s a free-flowing adventure, in which they never know what they’ll discover. They may expect to play tag or marbles, but then they decide to join in when they see someone playing hopscotch or soldiers. They don’t feel obligated to keep on with it for very long, either.”

On my left, Peter already had abandoned the little fort and was sprawled comfortably in the grass, about to doze off.

“And that’s another difference,” Sara observed, following my gaze. “A child feels perfectly free to lie down for a nap when the need arises. If the pretend battle never happens, there’s always something else to do later.”

I tried to remember the last time I’d taken a nap on an ordinary day when I wasn’t recovering from an illness, and I came up blank.

“Of course, what I’m doing right now is different from going out to play, too.” Sara put down the pillow and reached into her yarn bag, taking out various brown and green hues, which she inspected with a careful eye. “I may discover something unexpected, such as that a turtle has decided it wants to peep out from among the cattails. But when I start adding the turtle into the picture, I’m committing myself to finish it, unless I decide to rip those stitches out entirely.”

She chose a muddy green and threaded her needle.

“Arts and crafts are also good for a healthy mind and soul, but they are more structured than play. The mind has to be given time for playful wandering, without need to reach a goal, so that it feels safe enough to let creative thoughts come out for a romp whenever they’re so inclined.”

A trip to Chattanooga last weekend with my rowing team turned out to be the end of my fall racing season. My husband and I had planned on going to another regatta this weekend in Augusta, but it has been cancelled because of tomorrow’s forecast of heavy rain, which is likely to leave the Savannah River full of debris and not safe for rowing on Saturday.

Rain is forecast here in Ohio as well, and colder temperatures. After rowing our double this afternoon in warm sunshine, we probably won’t get out again for a while. It’s already starting to feel like we are settling in for the long, cold nights of winter. That is all right, though—winter is a cozy and restful season, and afterward, there will be time for many more journeys.

Word-art that says, "The sun will rise and set regardless. What we choose to do with the light is up to us. Journey wisely." -Alexandra Elle

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”

I started to write a draft of this post on Wednesday evening, but the words just wouldn’t flow. I meant to write about how rushing around makes people feel stressed, which puts our brains into survival mode and makes it harder to concentrate on everyday tasks. The subconscious mind gets so busy scanning the environment for possible threats, there’s not much mental energy left over for productive work.

Because I’d been rushing through the day too much, without taking time to relax, I felt tired on Wednesday and didn’t have any focus left in the evening to work on this post. Instead, I went to bed and woke up feeling much refreshed. That seemed like it proved the point I’d been trying to make!

Word-art that says, "Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax." -Mark Black

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”