A feral cat got into the boathouse recently and had a litter of kittens under a workbench. When they were found, there was some confusion about what to do with them. One of our members, Jan Hill, capably took charge of the situation and made a comfy little nest for the kittens with an old laundry basket, a cardboard box, and some towels. Then she carried them outside carefully and put them where Mama Cat could find them, along with an open can of cat food. Mama found them right away, and I’m sure she enjoyed the food. A happy ending for all!

And here’s a cute cat story to go along with this post—hope you enjoy it:

Word-art that says, "Kitty creation story. During the first winter, humans struggled to keep warm. God decided to create a helper. The helper would be a space heater that could be kept on the lap or the end of the bed for warmth. God covered the little heater with soft fur that relieved stress when humans put their hands on it. Two bright eyes were added as windows to God's love, for the heater created warmth with a heart that loved without condition. And, if you listened closely, you could hear his motor run."

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”

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