I ran in a 5K road race with my husband on Tuesday. We like to see the runners in their Halloween costumes, although usually we don’t dress up ourselves. It’s just for fun, and we are not competing against anyone in particular; so I was surprised when I saw that my time was more than two minutes faster than any of my previous results. All the rowing I’ve done this year must have improved my fitness overall.

But, truth be told, my legs were still feeling achy today. I did an online yoga class to stretch them out, and then some easy rowing on the erg, but didn’t push myself. Fitness is good, but taking care to get enough rest is important too.

Word-art that says "Take care of yourself."

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to “give this planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.” Visit her site to find more Nurturing Thursday posts and a list of frequent contributors.


  1. Hi Meg, 5K fun, it’s so good! I was practicing for a 5K marathon in the US, I’m in Canada and I couldn’t go with the board closed! 🙁 I’ve slowed down a bit, but I’ll keep up the training for next year. It’s wonderful when you learn to listen to our bodies and respect our needs. Great you doing this and taking care of yourself.

  2. Congrats on a great race AND taking time to rest and restore!

    • The online yoga makes it much easier to rest and restore. Today it was warm enough to get out and row on the river for practice before a Saturday race (my last one of the season). After that I did a restorative yoga session. 🙂

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