While I was browsing recently through images online, looking for some new pictures I could upload to the library for my art display, a photo of a winding path through a forest caught my eye.
Instead of a descriptive title about the forest or path, the caption was “Detour,” which I particularly liked. In our busy modern world, it’s helpful to be reminded that self-nurturing and connecting with nature are not about scrutinizing the to-do list to see where a forest hike can fit into the schedule. We may do better simply to go with the flow of the occasional random detour.
Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to “give this planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.” Visit her site to find more Nurturing Thursday posts and a list of frequent contributors.
We can find more interesting things when we take a detour, a path never travelled always has surprises.
Yes it does.
New things often turn up in unexpected places when we stop trying to force them.
Love this. The detouring meandering path and trust in our intuition holds so much power of the heart. Beautiful.
Thanks Paula — we knew this instinctively as children, but now we need the reminders.