I could hear the clatter of freezing rain when I woke up this morning. My daughter’s puppy (a.k.a. Diva Dog) wasn’t at all happy about being put outside to do her business, but stood next to the sliding glass door looking at us with big sad eyes as if to say, “You really expect me to go out in this?” The sky was so dark that when I sat down at my desk, I turned on the flameless candle that I keep to brighten my workspace on such mornings. I bought it to remind myself that I always have plenty of time (as discussed in this post) because time is a constant and there is only now.
The rain didn’t last long, and the sun came out for a while, looking brighter and higher than in the past months—as if sending a message that winter’s end is not far away. This year I haven’t felt stuck indoors and gloomy because of the cold weather, although not many days have been above the average January temperatures. I believe that’s the result of making efforts to cultivate a more positive outlook and to appreciate the moment. Even on a dark morning with freezing rain, there is always something to appreciate, starting with the simple fact of being indoors with cozy warm central heating!
Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to “give this planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.” Visit her site to find more Nurturing Thursday posts and a list of frequent contributors.
Yea for central heating!!! And flameless candles…I’ll be glad to take some of the rain..
Help yourself to as much of it as you’d like!
I can’t blame ‘Diva Dog’ for her hesitation. We had a Yorkshire Terrier when we lived on Long Island, NY. The poor thing always gave us those puppy eyes you are talking about.
I have a few of those flameless candle and find they shine brightly. The light from the flame always brings a warmth that is hard to explain. Very nice nurturing, Meg.
Thanks Isadora! Diva Dog often balks at going outside even after the weather clears up, if the grass is still wet; but yes, this morning her hesitation was quite understandable.
It is always good to step back in what appears to be the darkest (hour, moment, situation) and find something to be grateful for … roof above our heads, warmth of heating and/or clothing, food and water, not having to live in the rain (only dash through it if needed — or play in it when the spirit moves us), to share space with a loving spirit who gives those puppy eyes, etc etc etc Thank you for those gentle reminders to appreciate the smallest details that often are more than fine points! I appreciate you linking to Nurturing Thursday! <3
What a lovely comment — thanks so much Becca! I hadn’t thought of this post in terms of “darkest hour” symbolism; but you’re quite right that no matter what the situation, there is always something to be grateful for.
Hi Meg, being cozy indoors during bad weather is really something to be grateful for, and this dog seems very smart. Have a great week!
Thanks Elizabeth, enjoy your week too!
Like you, I love being indoors…cozy and warm…safe from the rain, cold and blustery wind.
Yes, and we’re getting closer to spring…