Some days I wonder where my time has been going. Today didn’t seem particularly busy—just my usual work, doing some laundry, going to get groceries, and a workout on the rowing machine. Even so, it didn’t seem as if I’d had much quiet time to relax.

Sitting down to write my Nurturing Thursday entry, I decided to go with this word-art image, which caught my attention recently:

Word-art that says, "In each moment you are nurturing or damaging your relationship with yourself."

I’m not entirely sure that I agree with the idea of categorizing each moment as either positive or negative. Life is much more nuanced than that, and some moments feel as if they are neutral—just drifting along, without much impact one way or another.

Still, it’s a good reminder that even when we don’t seem to be doing much, there may be patterns going on beneath the surface that need to be examined. As for wondering where time has been going, it would be a good idea to change the “never enough time” subconscious narrative to a more self-nurturing perspective, such as having plenty of time to do whatever I want—and then make sure to follow up on it by taking the time to do something fun.

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”

My husband enjoys being a rowing referee, and last weekend he drove to Chicago to work at a regatta there. He took some photos, which he shared with me, and said that it would be a great place for our team to go next year. The course does indeed look beautiful:

Photo of Chicago Sprints rowing regatta.

Although he asked me whether I’d like to come along, I declined. Our trip to Philadelphia over Independence Day weekend was a fun adventure, but I just can’t be on the go all the time. Instead, I spent a quiet weekend reading on my Kindle and puttering around in the yard.

I am still trying to find that elusive balance between drawing energy from new activities and giving myself enough time to relax so that the energy doesn’t all drain away. It probably will feel much easier once I develop a better sense of it.

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”

Sometimes, at the end of a workday, right after I shut down the computer and get up from the desk chair, my first thought is, “Now what do I have to do next?” It’s not because I really have tons of obligations. Rather, it seems to happen mainly on days when I don’t actually have much to do. Because modern society is so busy, a quiet evening without much to do feels a bit ominous, as if something must have been forgotten.

When that happened to me after work today, I considered whether there might really be something I needed to do, but very little came to mind other than writing this post and doing some gentle exercises with a soft foam roller. I had already worked out on the rowing machine during my midday break (16 intervals of 200 meters, which was plenty). I decided that just letting myself be aware of these feelings, and just breathing, would be enough entries on the to-do list for now.

Word-art that says, "and breathe."

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”

I’ll be traveling to the Independence Day regatta in Philadelphia this weekend with my husband and some of our teammates. I haven’t rowed there before, and neither has my husband, but we’ll be racing both our singles and our double.

Rowing on an unfamiliar river in a single is rather daunting because it is so small and tippy, compared to larger team boats. My women’s double partner Deb will be rowing her single too. She is better in a single than I am, but she still says she is nervous. It gets a little better each time, though.

Word-art that says, "Courage doesn't mean you don't get afraid. Courage means you don't let fear stop you." -Bethany Hamilton

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”

This was a somewhat rushed Thursday — nothing major, but I’d had to reschedule a hair appointment, which ended up being close enough to a work meeting that there wasn’t time to do the grocery shopping. So, I defrosted some ground beef, assembled a lasagna, and put it in the refrigerator to cook later. After I got finished with my work at 7 PM, it was time to go down to the river with my husband and do the workout that our coach had assigned; it had 200-meter intervals.

Once I got outdoors and breathed in some fresh air, the hectic feeling went away. The heat of the afternoon was mostly gone by the time we started the workout, and we did pretty well. Then we rowed a little more to cool down, and we returned to the dock just as the sun was going down. Back home, we did an online post-row stretching exercise for five minutes while the oven was preheating, and the lasagna was done by the time we took our showers. I’m sitting here at 11:59 finishing this post, but it’s all good.

Word-art that says, "Happiness is itself a kind of gratitude." -Joseph Wood Krutch

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”

It is Sunday afternoon, so this is certainly the most belated Nurturing Thursday entry I’ve ever written. I worked later than usual on Thursday, and we had dinner late because my husband was at the boathouse, teaching a Learn-to-Row student who couldn’t make the usual class time. He is always very flexible and helpful. So, I thought I would write a blog post after dinner, but then I got a database error message. I told my husband, who maintains my blog on a virtual private server; but I also said that because he’d had a long day, I was not asking him to fix it right away. The post could be written just as easily on Friday, after all.

After he restarted the database program, my blog seemed to be back to normal; it got some comments on Friday. We went rowing after work. It was windy, but we thought that was good practice because we planned on racing Saturday morning in the Indianapolis regatta, which is held on windswept Eagle Creek and known to rowers (not so affectionately) as the Windy Indy regatta. We needed to get enough sleep to be well rested, so I thought I’d write my blog post after dinner and then go to bed. The database error showed up again, however—and once again, there was no post.

We woke up early on Saturday and gave my women’s double partner, Deb, a ride to the regatta. My husband also towed the boat trailer with his SUV; he is the club’s usual trailer driver. Our race results weren’t the best because the water was choppy, as usual for Indy, and we were struggling. After we finished rowing, my husband took some time to help rowers on another team, who did not have much experience traveling, to secure their boats properly on their trailer. Then we took our club’s boats back to the boathouse and, with our other teammates, put everything away where it belonged.

When we got home, I cooked dinner while my husband updated the database program; upon investigating, he had discovered that the version he’d been using was buggy, and that was what had crashed my blog. He also updated WordPress after dinner, although of course he was tired from the long day. By then, I was pretty tired myself, and just fell into bed after cleaning up the kitchen.

I am better rested today. Now that I’m finally sitting down to write this post, I feel gratitude for having a kind and helpful husband and, as well, for being privileged to know so many friendly and generous people. Even in times like these, when it often seems like the world’s ties have frayed, our communities are stronger in many more ways than we know.

Image of hands holding a seedling.

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”

This week I’ve been reminding myself to frame everyday situations in terms of allowing for improvement, rather than fixing problems. The latter wording implies a binary state, in which things are either fixed or broken. While that may be accurate if we are talking about machine parts, most of life’s issues are more complicated and do not have quick fixes. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, however. When we regularly leave room for improvement, we can find ourselves in much better places—often unexpected—than if we simply tried to fix things to get them back the way they were.

Word-art that says, "Room for improvement."

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”

Although I’ve enjoyed going on road trips this spring, I do need to balance that with time to relax and unwind. My coach says that a travel day puts enough stress on the body that it should be treated like a hard workout, with some rest needed the next day.

Sometimes it’s not immediately obvious when I’ve had too much going on. I didn’t have much energy on Saturday night after traveling to a rowing regatta, however, and it has been slower than usual to come back. A peaceful week with no rush to do anything—just living in today—has been good for me.

Word-art that says "Cherish yesterday. Dream tomorrow. Live today." -Richard Bach

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”

I’ve had a rather quiet week, mostly free of distractions and confusion. At work, I am getting ready to start a new project and also finishing up some training that I probably should’ve done sooner; but it’s all good. Sending peaceful feelings to the world tonight, while making space for new beginnings.

Word-art that says, "Peace begins with a smile." -Mother Teresa

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”

I’m writing this entry on Friday evening, but that is okay. Yesterday I couldn’t quite get clear in my mind on what I wanted to post, so I decided it made more sense just to wait, rather than forcing something that probably wouldn’t come out right.

I joined the Nurturing Thursday blogging group in 2014 because I felt that a weekly reminder of the importance of self-nurturing would do me some good. In today’s busy society, it is all too easy to neglect ourselves without realizing it, while scrambling to get through the daily to-do list. For me, each of the Thursday posts became a snapshot of what I did to take care of myself in that particular week. Looking back on them gives me helpful perspective.

While traveling in the South this spring, I took a photo of Melton Lake in Tennessee. I meant to upload it to the online library for my art display, but that website hasn’t been able to upload anything recently. Given the fact that the company went out of business years ago, I can’t complain—it is still mostly functional and has given me a lot of enjoyment. I decided to go ahead and post the photo here instead.

Photo of Melton Lake, Tennessee, with a tree blooming by the water.

I wrote part of this post during a midday break, but rather than push myself to finish it, I went for a short walk and did an online yoga class before coming back to my work much refreshed. Afterward, my husband and I went out to dinner for our anniversary. We shared a bottle of wine, which is now making me sleepy because I don’t often drink it, but I sat down to finish this post anyway. Even though it is belated, I’m pretty happy with what I did for self-nurturing this week.

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to encourage self-nurturing and to “give the planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.”