March 15, 2015 · 2 comments · Categories: Musings · Tags:

While going through the clutter in the basement, I found a clock that I had never used. My mom put it in a box of stuff she gave me several years ago, and I never did anything with it. At first, I thought that I might put it somewhere after a while—and we all know how that story goes.

Old clock with analog face in clear plastic case. 

Really, what’s the point of a freestanding clock in 2015 anyway? We have clocks on our computers, our phones, our kitchen appliances… and I wear a watch, but nowadays that’s just jewelry because we are constantly surrounded by things that display the time. It’s no wonder people in today’s world are always in a hurry, with so many clocks staring at us wherever we go.

It’s a chore too, keeping all the clocks that don’t automatically set themselves displaying the right time. After the “spring forward” time change just last week, I’m even less inclined than usual to want another clock somewhere in the house that would have to be set manually. For sure, that wouldn’t fit my goal of creating a peaceful home environment where it’s easy to relax!

About Clutter Comedy: Every Sunday (which I envision as a day of rest after a productive week of de-cluttering) I post a Clutter Comedy article describing my most memorable clutter discovery of the week. Other bloggers who wish to join in are welcome—just post a link in the comments! There’s no need to publish any “before” photos of your clutter, if they are too embarrassing. The idea is simply to get motivated to clean it up, while having a bit of fun too!


  1. I agree with you about clocks! And yes, who wants one more clock to change! LOL! Tho I would like a Cuckoo Clock someday 🙂

    • I used to have an old-fashioned grandfather clock… it broke about 10 years ago, and my husband put it in the basement, so it’s still just sitting there with the other clutter!

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