Today is a lovely sunny day, but over the past week there have been a few cloudy days as the weather turns cooler. Like many people, I find that the shorter days tend to affect my mood, leaving me with a dark and oppressive feeling. Although the leaves haven’t fallen yet, the sky looked like autumn with its heavy, lingering cloud cover when I took this photo—not a bit of blue anywhere to be seen.

Cloudy sky and trees. 

After considering it, though, I realized that how I feel about the change of seasons is not outside of my control. The language I use to describe the weather is entirely my choice, and so I’ve resolved not to use words like “dreary” to describe dark cloudy days. When it comes to my mood, that is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and not one that I want to inflict on myself! From now on, if it is rainy or foggy or whatever, I’ll just use that simple descriptive term without adding a negative gloss to it. And if I notice something I like in a fall or winter day, then I’ll say that too!

Nurturing Thursday was started by Becca Givens and seeks to “give this planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy.” Visit her site to find more Nurturing Thursday posts and a list of frequent contributors.


  1. Beautiful, Meg. Weather just is, and we frame its value with our attitudes and descriptions. I love this quote from John Ruskin: “Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.” What a wonderful gift it is to color our world with brightness, even when we could just as easily make it drab.

  2. I too wrote about the change of season. I like your honesty Meg.

  3. It stays sunny here in Nashville throughout autumn…it’s SO pretty here until about November or December. Then it gets gray and yucky and stays that way until spring. I don’t like the gloom either…but it’s so hot here from April ’til October, it’s actually a relief to not deal with 90-degree-plus temps.

  4. Meg, I totally agree with you! As the weather has gotten cooler I have begun to dread the coming winter. Last winter was so long and dreary and it really affected my mood. Like you, I realized that what I need to do is adjust my attitude; think about what I love about winter, take advantage of being homebound more to work on crafts and fun projects, dust off my cross country skis. We really do have the ability to shift our energy!

    • Yes, as children we were excited to see snow, and we noticed all the pretty things about winter. But somewhere along the way, snow just turned into a nuisance to drive through because adult life is so busy. Or, at least, many of us got used to the idea of adult life always being busy, without stopping to consider whether it really needed to be…

  5. I need to do that too. I like the ‘soft’ days. It is the burning intensity of summer I find challenging – but know that it has charm too. Even if I cannot see it.

  6. Change of seasons indeed affect our moods and spirits. I like the quote of John Hanagan — I think I will try to remember it as well … when the perception of less than ideal weather rises. Autumn is my favorite for me — although I have to travel to places to actually experience “real Autumn”! Thank you for linking to Nurturing Thursday! 😀

  7. Hi Meg. Have not seen you lately. My fault. I’ve been…preoccupied and traveling lots. For work.

    Nurturing Thursday is intriguing. Great concept. How do I join?

    Your header– is that the great T.O.?

  8. This is a brilliant post! Changing our conditioned responses brings great freedom. It took me a LONG time to learn that. I love it! 🙂

  9. Pingback: Nurturing Thurs – IN WAITING | "On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea"

  10. Hi Meg, I don’t like cold and windy days, but I’m tired of complain about it, so I decided to enjoy and be grateful for each moment, it’s survival. Lovely post!

    • Thank you! Indeed, complaining doesn’t make it any less cold and windy, and there are many things to enjoy and be grateful for — such as being fortunate enough to live in modern times with a warm comfortable home!

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